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LabVIEW is an IDE for laboratory and industrial measurement, automation and control. More infos from here.

LabVIEW 8.6

First you need to create a nisuite.xml by using the flag: /generatespecfile

ex: setup.exe /generatespecfile C:\

Copy nisuite.xml to your installation folder

<package id='LabVIEW8' name='LabVIEW 8.6' revision='1' reboot='false' priority='1239' >	
<check type='file' condition='versiongreaterorequal' path='%PROGRAMFILES%\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.6\LabVIEW.exe' value='' />

<install cmd='%PACKAGES%\LabVIEW\8.6\setup.exe /q /r:n /acceptlicenses yes /applyspecfile %PACKAGES%\LabVIEW\8.6\' />
<upgrade cmd='%PACKAGES%\LabVIEW\8.6\setup.exe /q /r:n /acceptlicenses yes /applyspecfile %PACKAGES%\LabVIEW\8.6\' />
<remove cmd='"%PROGRAMFILES%\National Instruments\Shared\NIUninstaller\uninst.exe" /qb /x all' />
<remove cmd='IF EXIST "%PROGRAMFILES%\National Instruments" rmdir /s /q "%PROGRAMFILES%\National Instruments"' />

This is a silent installer and uninstaller for LabVIEW 7.

<package id="LabVIEW" name="LabVIEW" revision="1" priority="0" reboot="true">
 <check type="file" condition="exists" path='%PROGRAMFILES%\National Instruments\LabVIEW 7.0\LabVIEW.exe' />
 <install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\LabVIEW\windows\setup.exe /q /r:n' >
 <exit code="3010" />
 <remove cmd="msiexec /x{2C585265-527B-4D76-B9B4-2F037C33C40C} /qn /norestart" />