Postgresql ODBC Driver

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This is a silent installer for the ODBC driver connector to the famous free enterprise-level Database management system.

The ODBC driver is available from here.

I deploy it with a package description as:

        name="Postgresql ODBC driver"
        priority="0" >
        <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="psqlODBC" />
        <install cmd='msiexec /q /i "%SOFTWARE%\WPKG\psqlodbc.msi" allusers=1' />
        <upgrade cmd='msiexec /q /i "%SOFTWARE%\WPKG\psqlodbc.msi" REINSTALLMODE=vamus REINSTALL=ALL allusers=1' />
        <remove cmd='msiexec /q /x{838E187D-8B7A-473D-B93C-C8E970B15D2B}' />