

404 bytes added, 17:43, 8 October 2009
no edit summary
== Package for UltraVNC ==
This builds on the example from, with the notable addition of the extra work to install the video driver. The bad news is that the video driver doesn't work unless the client option "WPKG User Interface Show" checkbox is checked. The good news is that if that's checked, the below will work. It's worth noting that the installation package no longer creates the 'driver' directory; this must now be done manually. You will have to setup your software repository with this directory. Further, the installer ocationally is unable to make the HKLM\Software\OLE directory, thus the ACL import will fail leaving your clients unable to authenticate. The acl.reg file is taken from a correctly setup host and imported in to the registry before the import. Technically redundant, but the installer is touchy so both are included.
Because of the issues with the video driver, I have commented out the installation bits. They are included here for completeness sake.
</install> -->
<!-- <install cmd='%comspec% /c xcopy /Q /Y /S \\sunpro\apps$\ultravnc\driver "%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\driver\"' /> -->
<install cmd='regedit /s "%SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\acls.reg"' />
<install cmd='"%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\MSLogonACL.exe" /i /a \\sunpro\apps$\ultravnc\acls.txt' />
<!-- <install cmd='%comspec% /c start /WAIT "Mirror Driver Install" /D"%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\driver\XP" "%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\driver\XP\setupdrv.exe" install' /> -->