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Xlite softphone software home

free X-Lite softphone

<package id="xlite5" name="xlite 5.0" revision="50" reboot="false" priority="0">
	<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="X-Lite" />
	<!-- Needs Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86),installed for its installation  and dotnet-->
	<depends package-id="dotnet" />
	<depends package-id="visualcppruntime" />
		<command type="install" cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\xlite\X-Lite_Win32_5.0.0_67284.exe" /silent /VERYSILENT /norestart' >
			<exit code="1" />
		<command type="install" cmd='%COMSPEC% /c del /q "%SystemDrive%\users\Public\Desktop\X-Lite.lnk"' />
		<command type="upgrade" cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\xlite\X-Lite_Win32_5.0.0_67284.exe" /q /VERYSILENT /norestart /upgrade' />
		<command type="remove"  cmd='%ComSpec% /c msiexec /qn /norestart /x{426E4F54-EFFE-4C5B-A02A-23CFE8C3C679} /passive /quiet' timeout='300' />