Zarafa Client

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Zarafa is an Open Source E-Mail & Collaboration Software. In addition to the Zarafa WebApp you can install a MAPI-Client for Microsoft Outlook.

	name="Zarafa Outlook Client"
        <variable name="version" value="7.1.11" />
	<variable name="build" value="46757"/>
        <variable name="PKG_DESTINATION"    value="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Zarafa\Zarafa Outlook Client" architecture="x64"/>
        <variable name="PKG_DESTINATION"    value="%ProgramFiles%\Zarafa\Zarafa Outlook Client" architecture="x86"/>

        <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Zarafa Outlook Client %version%.%build%" />
        <install cmd='msiexec /i %SOFTWARE%\zarafa\zarafaclient-%version%-%build%.msi ADDDEFAULT=Client,Compat /q'/>        
        <upgrade include="install"/>
        <remove architecture="x86" cmd='MsiExec /uninstall {EF8A756A-CB42-4BDD-B470-2435C6D0E026} /q'/>
        <remove architecture="x64" cmd='MsiExec /uninstall {8A5BFAC2-B827-4398-8AD6-5A886365B34E} /q'/>
	<remove cmd='%COMSPEC% /C if exist "%PKG_DESTINATION%" rmdir /S /Q "%PKG_DESTINATION%"'/>	


This Package was tested with Windows 7 x32 and x64.