

487 bytes added, 23:23, 18 May 2012
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If no check statements exist in the package, WPKG will just run the install (or upgrade) commands and (as long as no error occurs) will add/update the package details in the local client database.
Check conditions are broken down into 5 several categories:
*'''Registry''' - Checks the registry for conditions
*'''Uninstall''' - Checks the software installation registry key (as displayed in Windows' Add/Remove Programs section) for the existence of an existing package
*'''Execute''' - Executes a script and checks the returning errorlevel (since WPKG 1.1.0)
*'''Host''' - checks environment/os/arch (since WPKG 1.3.0)
*'''Logical''' can also be used
<source lang="xml">
<check type="execute" path="\\path\to\script.cmd" condition="exitcodegreaterthan" value="0" >
Host checks were announced in 1.3.0. They appear to allow matching against at least hostname, OS, architecture and environment variables.
<source lang="xml">
<check type="host" condition="hostname" value="^hostname$" />
<check type="host" condition="os" value="windows 7" />
<check type="host" condition="architecture" value="x64" />
<check type="host" condition="environment" value="PKG_VER=^$" />
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