
Windows Media Player

948 bytes added, 16:35, 11 December 2005
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A silent installer for Windows Media Player 10:  <package id="wmp10" name="Windows Media Player 10" > <!-- Windows Media Player 10 --> <check type="file" condition="versiongreaterorequal" path="%ProgramFiles%\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe" value="" /> <install cmd='\\server\share\mediaplayer10\ENU\mp10setup.exe /Q /R:N /C:"setup_wm.exe /Q /R:N /DisallowSystemRestore /NoPID /SetWMPAsDefault"'> <exit code="194" reboot="true" /> <exit code="3010" reboot="true" /> </install> </package> Windows Media Connect<br>This is really annoying. As far as I can tell, this installer always pops up a dialog box when System Restore is disabled, no matter how you invoke it. To work around this, we ought to save the System Restore configuration, enable it, run the installer, and restore the configuration. Instead we just enable, install, and disable. FIXME.<br>Also, this just doesn't seem to work, so I've removed it. RFL  ---- This is a silent installer for Windows Media Player9.
<package id="wmp92k" name="Windows Media Player 9 for Windows 2000">