
Package dependencies

936 bytes added, 23:23, 5 November 2007
no edit summary
Note that "package dependencies" are now defined differently than in 0.9.6 and 0.9.7; this previous format is not supported.
A description from wpkg-users mailing list by Dr. Frank Lee:
The 'dependancy' just adds the packages to the list, which is then
installed in order of priority. If 'foo' depends on 'bar' being present
for 'foo' to install properly, 'bar' ought to have a higher priority than
In the example above, B should be set at a higher priority than A for
success. (I usually have 900-999 as the priority for OS patches, 700-799
for antivirus etc, 500-599 for 'mission critical' applications, 300-399
for useful things and 100-199 for end-user things like office. Even
numbered centuries are 'reserved for future expansion'...)
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