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128 bytes added, 13:27, 31 March 2012
LibreOffice 3.5.x Custom Script
Here's what my WPKG package looks like. Note that it's a very basic package working with WPKG 1.2 and newer.
<source lang="xml">
<package id='LibreOffice' name='LibreOffice' revision='350' priority='50' reboot='false' >
<check type='uninstall' condition='exists' path='LibreOffice 3.5' />
<upgrade cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\LibreOffice v.3.5.0\unattended.cmd" > NUL' />
As you can see I am just calling unattended.cmd / unattended-uninstall.cmd. The following chapters list these files.
The application folder should therefore contain the following files:
In addition this script checks for the existence of a Microsoft Office installation. If an Office installation folder is found, then ''gm_p_Wrt_MSO_Reg,gm_p_Calc_MSO_Reg,gm_p_Impress_MSO_Reg'' is appended to the remove list so LibreOffice will not associate Office file extensions to LibreOffice.
<source lang="winbatch">
@echo off
exit /B %EXIT_CODE%
=== unattended-uninstall.cmd ===
This script is basically identical to unattended.cmd.
<source lang="winbatch">
@echo off
exit /B %EXIT_CODE%
=== install.cmd ===
Both scripts above use install.cmd. This script is a generic installer able to deal with many standard installers.
<source lang="winbatch">
@echo off
exit /B %EXIT_CODE%
== LibreOffice 3.4.x ==

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