Difference between revisions of "Microsoft .NET Framework"

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(Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1: Simplified download instructions)
(Microsoft .NET Framework 4)
Line 209: Line 209:
<install cmd='rmdir c:\dotNetInstallers /S /Q' />
<install cmd='rmdir c:\dotNetInstallers /S /Q' />
<update cmd='xcopy "%SOFTWARE%\Microsoft\dotNetFramework\dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe" c:\dotNetInstallers\ /c /r /y /q' />
<update cmd='c:\dotNetInstallers\dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe /norestart /passive' >
<upgrade include="install" />
  <exit code="0" />
  <exit code="194" reboot="true" />
  <exit code="1603" />
  <exit code="3010" reboot="true" />
<update cmd='rmdir c:\dotNetInstallers /S /Q' />
<remove cmd='MsiExec.exe /qn /X{8E34682C-8118-31F1-BC4C-98CD9675E1C2}' />
<remove cmd='MsiExec.exe /qn /X{8E34682C-8118-31F1-BC4C-98CD9675E1C2}' />

Revision as of 10:40, 23 August 2012

The .NET Framework (pronounced dot net) is a software framework. See Microsoft's .NET page and Wikipedia.


The offline installer will try to go online to get language packs if it decides you need them. You can disable this behaviour with the "/lang:ENU" flag (for US English).

Another way to run the .NET installer is to extract the contents of dotnetfx.exe, and then invoke the install directly using the /q switch (this also saves a bit of time for the clients).

Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1

This is a silent installer for Microsoft .NET Framework. Download the installer from here.

<package id="dot-net-1.1" name="Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1">

 <check type="file" condition="exists" path="%Windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\sbscmp10.dll" />

 <install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\dot-net-1.1\dotnetfx.exe /q /c:"install /q"' >
 <exit code="194" reboot="true" />
 <exit code="1603" />
 <exit code="3010" reboot="true" />


Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1

Download the installer from here


<package id="dot-net-1.1-sp1" name="Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1">

 <check type="registry" condition="exists" path="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v1.1.4322\SP" />

 <install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\dot-net-1.1-sp1\NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exe /q /i' >
 <exit code="194" reboot="true" />
 <exit code="1603" />
 <exit code="3010" reboot="true" />



<package id="dot-net-1.1-sp1" name="Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1">

 <check type="registry" condition="exists" path="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v1.1.4322\SP" />

 <install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\dot-net-1.1-sp1\NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exe /q /i' >
 <exit code="194" reboot="true" />
 <exit code="1603" />
 <exit code="3010" reboot="true" />


Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Redistributable (x86).

<package id="dot-net-2.0" name="%pkgname%">
 <variable name="pkgname" value="Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0" />
 <check type="logical" condition="or">
        <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="%pkgname% Service Pack 2" />

        <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="%pkgname% Service Pack 1" />

        <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="%pkgname%" />
 <install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\dot-net-2.0\dotnetfx2.exe /q /c:"install /q"' >
  <exit code="194" reboot="true" />
  <exit code="1603" />
  <exit code="3010" reboot="true" />


Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 language pack

Replace DEU with whatever language pack you will be installing:

<package id="dot-net-2.0-language-pack" name="Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Language Pack">

 <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Language Pack - DEU" />

 <install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\dot-net-2.0-language-pack\langpackfx2.exe /q /c:"install /q"' />


Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 SP1

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 SP1 Redistributable (x86).

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 SP1 Redistributable (x64).

<package id="dot-net-2.0" name="Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 SP1">

 <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1" />

 <install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\dot-net-2.0-sp1\NetFx20SP1_x86.exe /q /c:"install /q"' >
  <exit code="194" reboot="true" />
  <exit code="1603" />
  <exit code="3010" reboot="true" />

 <remove cmd='msiexec /x {B508B3F1-A24A-32C0-B310-85786919EF28} REBOOT=ReallySuppress /l*v %temp%\netfx20sp1_uninstall_log.txt /qn' >
  <exit code="194" reboot="true" />
  <exit code="1603" />
  <exit code="3010" reboot="true" />


Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0

Download 32-bit redistributable

Download 64-bit redistributable

<package id="dot-net-3.0" name="Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0" revision="1" priority="900" >

<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0" />

<install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\dot-net-3.0\dotnetfx3.exe /q /norestart' >
   <exit code="194" reboot="true" />
   <exit code="1603" />
   <exit code="3010" reboot="true" />


Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP1

Download 32-bit redistributable

Download from: 64-bit redistributable

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1

Download the 'Full Package' (as opposed to the 'Bootstrapper') from http://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=25150.

The "or" file check will skip the installation and mark the software as "installed" on systems that have .NET 3.5 pre-installed (e.g. Windows 7).

<package id="dot-net-3.5-sp1" name="Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1" revision="1" priority="900" >

<check type='logical' condition='or'>
   <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1" />

   <check type='file' condition='exists' path='%SYSTEMROOT%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\MSBuild.exe' />

<install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\dot-net-3.5-sp1\dotnetfx35.exe /q /norestart' >
   <exit code="194" reboot="true" />
   <exit code="1603" />
   <exit code="3010" reboot="true" />

<remove cmd='MsiExec.exe /qn /X{CE2CDD62-0124-36CA-84D3-9F4DCF5C5BD9}' />


An alternative remove line is to use:

 <remove cmd='"%WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1\setup.exe" '/>

Microsoft .NET Framework 4

Download from http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=17718

<package id="dotnetfx4" name="Microsoft .NET Framework 4" revision="1" priority="0" >
<check type='logical' condition='or'>
   <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended" />
   <check type='file' condition='exists' path='%SYSTEMROOT%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe' />
<install cmd='xcopy "%SOFTWARE%\Microsoft\dotNetFramework\dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe" c:\dotNetInstallers\ /c /r /y /q' />
<install cmd='c:\dotNetInstallers\dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe /norestart /passive' >
   <exit code="0" />
   <exit code="194" reboot="true" />
   <exit code="1603" />
   <exit code="3010" reboot="true" />
<install cmd='rmdir c:\dotNetInstallers /S /Q' />

<upgrade include="install" />  

<remove cmd='MsiExec.exe /qn /X{8E34682C-8118-31F1-BC4C-98CD9675E1C2}' />
