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(UltraVNC 1.1.8, also with automatic password setting)
Line 8: Line 8:
Downloads can be done from the [http://www.uvnc.com/ UltraVNC website].
Downloads can be done from the [http://www.uvnc.com/ UltraVNC website].
== Package for UltraVNC 1.1.8 x86/x64 ==
This is a modification of the 1.1.7 example below.  In theory, this should work for both x86 and x64 architectures, but I haven't tested it yet on x64.
This version will also set your (pre-encoded) password in ultravnc.ini using "replacetext.vbs", which can be found [[here|http://www.howtogeek.com/51194/replace-text-in-plain-text-files-from-the-command-line/]].  Note that I've set the %VNC_PASSWORD% variable in the profiles/userprofile.xml for security reasons, but you can create a variable directly in the package definition.
<source lang="xml">
  <package id="ultravnc" name="Ultra VNC" revision="118" priority="0">
    <variable name="INSTALLER_NAME" value="UltraVNC_1_1_8_x86_Setup.exe" />
    <variable name="INSTALLER_NAME" value="UltraVNC_1_1_8_x64_Setup.exe" architecture="x64" />
    <variable name="ADDONS_INSTALLER_NAME" value="UltraVNC_1_1_8_x86_Addons.exe" />
    <variable name="ADDONS_INSTALLER_NAME" value="UltraVNC_1_1_8_x64_Addons.exe" architecture="x64" />
    <check type="uninstall" condition="versiongreaterorequal" path="UltraVnc" value="1.1.8" />
    <install cmd="net stop uvnc_service">
      <exit code="any" />
    <install cmd="sc delete uvnc_service">
      <exit code="any" />
    <install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\%INSTALLER_NAME% /verysilent /loadinf="%SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\setup.inf"' />
    <install cmd='%comspec% /c mkdir "%PROGRAMFILES%\uvnc bvba\UltraVNC\driver"'>
      <exit code="any" />
    <install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\%ADDONS_INSTALLER_NAME% /verysilent /loadinf="%SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\addons.inf"' />
    <install cmd='%comspec% /c %SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\certmgr.exe -add %SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\ultravnc.cer -s -r localMachine trustedpublisher' architecture="x64" />
    <install cmd='"C:\Program Files\uvnc bvba\UltraVNC\driver\setupdrv.exe" installs' />
    <install cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\devcon.exe" update "C:\Program Files\uvnc bvba\UltraVNC\driver\driver\mv2.inf" mv_hook_display_driver2' >
      <exit code="any" />
    <install cmd='%comspec% /c copy /Y %SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\ultravnc.ini "%PROGRAMFILES%\uvnc bvba\UltraVNC"' />
<!-- Set the password in ultravnc.ini.  Note that the %VNC_PASSWORD% variable is set in the profile. Then restart UltraVNC. -->
    <install cmd='%comspec% /c %SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\replacetext.vbs "%PROGRAMFILES%\uvnc bvba\UltraVNC\ultravnc.ini" CHANGEME %VNC_PASSWORD%' />
    <install cmd='net stop uvnc_service' />
    <install cmd='net start uvnc_service' />
    <upgrade include="install"/>
    <remove cmd='net stop uvnc_service'>
      <exit code='0' />
      <exit code='2' />
    <remove cmd='sc delete uvnc_service' />
    <remove cmd='"C:\Program Files\uvnc bvba\UltraVNC\unins000.exe" /verysilent /norestart' />
    <remove cmd='%comspec% /c rmdir /S /Q "C:\Program Files\uvnc bvba"' />
== Package for UltraVNC 1.1.7 x64 ==
== Package for UltraVNC 1.1.7 x64 ==
Line 56: Line 108:
== Package for UltraVNC ==
== Windows Firewall ==
This builds on the example from, with the notable addition of the extra work to install the video driver. The bad news is that the video driver doesn't work unless the client option "WPKG User Interface Show" checkbox is checked. The good news is that if that's checked, the below will work.  It's worth noting that the installation package no longer creates the 'driver' directory; this must now be done manually. You will have to setup your software repository with this directory.  Further, the installer ocationally is unable to make the HKLM\Software\OLE directory, thus the ACL import will fail leaving your clients unable to authenticate. The acl.reg file is taken from a correctly setup host and imported in to the registry before the import. Technically redundant, but the installer is touchy so both are included. 
[Note: This may not be necessary as of UltraVNC 1.1.8.]
Because of the issues with the video driver, I have commented out the installation bits. They are included here for completeness sake.
<source lang="xml">
  <package id="UltraVNC" name="Ultra VNC" revision="1064" priority="0">
    <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="UltraVNC" />
    <!-- <check type="registry" condition="exists" path="HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\mv2\Start" /> -->
    <install cmd="net stop uvnc_service">
      <exit code="0" />
      <exit code="2" />
    <install cmd="sc delete uvnc_service" />
    <install cmd='\\sunpro\apps$\ultravnc\UltraVNC_1.0.6.4_Setup.exe /verysilent /loadinf="\\sunpro\apps$\ultravnc\UltraVNC_1.0.6.4_Setup.inf"' />
    <install cmd='%comspec% /c copy /Y \\sunpro\apps$\ultravnc\ultravnc.ini "%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\"' />
    <install cmd='%comspec% /c copy /Y \\sunpro\apps$\ultravnc\rc4.key "%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\"' />
    <!--    <install cmd='%comspec% /c mkdir "%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\driver"'>
      <exit code="0" />
      <exit code="1" />
    </install> -->
    <!-- <install cmd='%comspec% /c xcopy /Q /Y /S \\sunpro\apps$\ultravnc\driver "%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\driver\"' /> -->
    <install cmd='regedit /s "%SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\acls.reg"' />
    <install cmd='"%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\MSLogonACL.exe" /i /a \\sunpro\apps$\ultravnc\acls.txt' />
    <!-- <install cmd='%comspec% /c start /WAIT "Mirror Driver Install" /D"%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\driver\XP" "%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\driver\XP\setupdrv.exe" install' /> -->
    <install cmd='"%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\winvnc.exe" -installs' />
    <upgrade cmd='net stop uvnc_service'>
      <exit code='0' />
      <exit code='2' />
    <upgrade cmd='sc delete uvnc_service' />
    <upgrade cmd='\\sunpro\apps$\ultravnc\UltraVNC_1.0.6.4_Setup.exe /verysilent /loadinf="\\sunpro\apps$\ultravnc\UltraVNC_1.0.6.4_Setup.inf"' />
    <upgrade cmd='%comspec% /c copy /Y \\sunpro\apps$\ultravnc\ultravnc.ini "%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\"' />
    <upgrade cmd='%comspec% /c copy /Y \\sunpro\apps$\ultravnc\rc4.key "%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\"' />
    <!-- <upgrade cmd='%comspec% /c mkdir "%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\driver"'>
      <exit code="0" />
      <exit code="1" />
    </upgrade> -->
    <!-- <upgrade cmd='%comspec% /c xcopy /Q /Y /S \\sunpro\apps$\ultravnc\driver "%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\driver\"' /> -->
    <upgrade cmd='"%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\MSLogonACL.exe" /i /a \\sunpro\apps$\ultravnc\acls.txt' />
    <!-- <upgrade cmd='%comspec% /c start /WAIT "Mirror Driver Install" /D"%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\XP" "%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\driver\XP\setupdrv.exe" install' /> -->
    <upgrade cmd='"%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\winvnc.exe" -installs' />
    <!-- <remove cmd='%comspec% /c start /WAIT "Mirror Driver Uninstall" /D"%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\driver\XP" "%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\driver\XP\setupdrv.exe" uninstall' /> -->
    <remove cmd='net stop uvnc_service'>
      <exit code='0' />
      <exit code='2' />
    <remove cmd='sc delete uvnc_service' />
    <!-- <remove cmd='sc delete mv2' /> -->
    <remove cmd='"%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\unins000.exe" /verysilent /norestart' />
    <remove cmd='%comspec% /c rmdir /S /Q "%programfiles%\UltraVNC"' />
== Package for UltraVNC ==
A lot has changed since v1.0.2:
* The norestart-switch is no longer necessary for the installer, only for the un-installer.
* "winvnc -installs" seems to start servicehelper too.
* The mirror driver is not installed together with UltraVNC automaticaly. This package example however also also installs/uninstalls it but it can also be put into a seperate package if you want.
* UltraVNC settings are no longer saved into the registry but in a seperate ultravnc.ini file. So you will have to create that ini file with an existing installation (maybe the one resulting from generating the setup inf file (by using the /saveinf=filename.inf switch)) and copy it into your software directory.
This example automatically copies rc4.key for encryption and MSLogonACL for MSLogon.
<source lang="xml">
    name="Ultra VNC"
  <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="UltraVNC" />
  <!-- Test for mirror driver -->
  <check type="registry" condition="exists" path="HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\mv2\Start" />
  <install cmd='net stop uvnc_service'>
    <exit code="0" />
    <exit code='2' />
  <install cmd='sc delete uvnc_service' />
  <install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\UltraVNC\UltraVNC_1.0.5.3_Setup.exe /verysilent /loadinf="%SOFTWARE%\UltraVNC\ultravnc_server.inf"' />
  <install cmd='cmd /c copy /Y %SOFTWARE%\UltraVNC\ultravnc.ini "%PROGRAMFILES%\UltraVNC"' />
  <install cmd='cmd /c copy /Y %SOFTWARE%\UltraVNC\rc4.key "%PROGRAMFILES%\UltraVNC"' />
  <install cmd='"%PROGRAMFILES%\UltraVNC\MSLogonACL.exe" /i /a %SOFTWARE%\UltraVNC\MSLogonACL' />
  <install cmd='%comspec% /c start /WAIT "Mirror Driver Install" /D"%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\driver\XP" "%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\driver\XP\setupdrv.exe" install' />
  <install cmd='"%PROGRAMFILES%\UltraVNC\winvnc.exe" -installs' />
  <upgrade cmd='net stop uvnc_service'>
    <exit code="0" />
    <exit code='2' />
  <upgrade cmd='sc delete uvnc_service' />
  <upgrade cmd='cmd /c mkdir "%PROGRAMFILES%\UltraVNC"'>
    <exit code="0" />
    <exit code="1" />
  <upgrade cmd='sc delete uvnc_service' />
  <upgrade cmd='%SOFTWARE%\UltraVNC\UltraVNC_1.0.5.3_Setup.exe /verysilent /loadinf="%SOFTWARE%\UltraVNC\ultravnc_server.inf"' />
  <upgrade cmd='cmd /c copy /Y %SOFTWARE%\UltraVNC\ultravnc.ini "%PROGRAMFILES%\UltraVNC"' />
  <upgrade cmd='cmd /c copy /Y %SOFTWARE%\UltraVNC\rc4.key "%PROGRAMFILES%\UltraVNC"' />
  <upgrade cmd='"%PROGRAMFILES%\UltraVNC\MSLogonACL.exe" /i /a %SOFTWARE%\UltraVNC\MSLogonACL' />
  <upgrade cmd='%comspec% /c start /WAIT "Mirror Driver Install" /D"%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\driver\XP" "%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\driver\XP\setupdrv.exe" install' />
  <upgrade cmd='"%PROGRAMFILES%\UltraVNC\winvnc.exe" -installs' />
  <remove cmd='%comspec% /c start /WAIT "Mirror Driver Uninstall" /D"%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\driver\XP" "%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\driver\XP\setupdrv.exe" uninstall' />
  <remove cmd='net stop uvnc_service'>
    <exit code="0" />
    <exit code='2' />
  <remove cmd='sc delete uvnc_service' />
  <!-- Actually Delete mirror driver service as setupdrv doesn't seem to do that -->
  <remove cmd='sc delete mv2' />
  <remove cmd='%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\unins000.exe /verysilent /norestart' />
== Package for UltraVNC 1.0.2 ==
<source lang="xml">
    name="Ultravnc 1.0.2"
<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="UltraVNC v1.0.2" />
<install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\UltraVNC-102-Setup.exe /verysilent /norestart /SP-' />
<install cmd='%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\winvnc.exe -sinstall' />
<install cmd='%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\winvnc.exe -servicehelper' />
<upgrade cmd='%SOFTWARE%\UltraVNC-102-Setup.exe /verysilent /norestart /SP-' />
<remove cmd='%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\winvnc.exe -remove' />
<remove cmd='%ProgramFiles%\UltraVNC\unins000.exe /SILENT' />
Note that you can save changes to the defaults by saving an inf file during setup (by using the /saveinf=filename.inf switch), then retrieve them during deployment (using the /loadinf=filename.inf switch).
There is a problem with installation of UltraVNC Mirror Driver on some computers - installation freezes.
== UltraVNC 1.0.2 Mirror Driver ==
The mirror driver is included in the regular installer. It does not need to be installed separately.
== UltraVNC 1.0.2 Alternative installation ==
I couldn't install it with the UltraVNC installer on some machines - it was hanging all the time.
Here's a batch script which:
* copies UltraVNC directory to %PROGRAMFILES% (available in UltraVNC-102-Bin.zip)
* removes the service - if you had any other VNC servers installed in the past, this step might be helpful to avoid potential conflicts
* adds the service
* adds registry entries - after configuring the server (password, access etc., copy \\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORL\WinVNC3\)
* starts the service
* uses "echo" to exit with code 0
<source lang="dos">
%SOFTWARE%\robocopy %SOFTWARE%\UltraVNC\UltraVNC C:\Programme\UltraVNC /MIR /W:3 /R:3 >nul
C:\Programme\UltraVNC\winvnc.exe -remove
C:\Programme\UltraVNC\winvnc.exe -sinstall
regedit /s %SOFTWARE%\UltraVNC\VNCHooks_Settings.reg
regedit /s %SOFTWARE%\UltraVNC\ultravnc.reg
net start WinVNC
== Windows Firewall ==
When installing silently the Windows Firewall won't prompt you to allow the VNC Server. You can script allowing traffic to the VNC server (on TCP port 5900, from all sources) using:
When installing silently the Windows Firewall won't prompt you to allow the VNC Server. You can script allowing traffic to the VNC server (on TCP port 5900, from all sources) using:

Revision as of 23:20, 28 November 2012

UltraVNC is one example of a VNC Server and Client, a standard means of remote access.

Running VNC server software on Windows allows you to connect to the Windows graphical environment using VNC client software on a remote computer. There are various VNC client and server softwares, such as TightVNC and UltraVNC. There are VNC clients for probably every operating system, so you don't need to be running Windows to connect to and use Windows. VNC uses the RFB protocol, a defined standard method for remote access, so generally speaking any VNC client will connect to any VNC server, however occasionally some VNC implementations have added non-standard features that other clients may not support, examples of this are UltraVNC's remote login and file transfer features.

VNC clients connect into the session currently running on Windows, so the remote user and the person who might be sat at the computer see the same thing; the client doesn't get a separate login prompt, if someone is already logged into the computer then you see that, otherwise you get to login.

For remote administration or remote staff working, for security reasons you are strongly advised not to enable remote access to desktop computers directly over the Internet, instead you should have a firewall in place (for example pfSense), running a VPN server, which clients are required to securely VPN into before they have unfettered access to connect to VNC on desktop computers running Windows (or other operating systems).

Downloads can be done from the UltraVNC website.

Package for UltraVNC 1.1.8 x86/x64

This is a modification of the 1.1.7 example below. In theory, this should work for both x86 and x64 architectures, but I haven't tested it yet on x64.

This version will also set your (pre-encoded) password in ultravnc.ini using "replacetext.vbs", which can be found http://www.howtogeek.com/51194/replace-text-in-plain-text-files-from-the-command-line/. Note that I've set the %VNC_PASSWORD% variable in the profiles/userprofile.xml for security reasons, but you can create a variable directly in the package definition.

  <package id="ultravnc" name="Ultra VNC" revision="118" priority="0">
    <variable name="INSTALLER_NAME" value="UltraVNC_1_1_8_x86_Setup.exe" />
    <variable name="INSTALLER_NAME" value="UltraVNC_1_1_8_x64_Setup.exe" architecture="x64" />
    <variable name="ADDONS_INSTALLER_NAME" value="UltraVNC_1_1_8_x86_Addons.exe" />
    <variable name="ADDONS_INSTALLER_NAME" value="UltraVNC_1_1_8_x64_Addons.exe" architecture="x64" />

    <check type="uninstall" condition="versiongreaterorequal" path="UltraVnc" value="1.1.8" />

    <install cmd="net stop uvnc_service">
      <exit code="any" />
    <install cmd="sc delete uvnc_service">
      <exit code="any" />
    <install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\%INSTALLER_NAME% /verysilent /loadinf="%SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\setup.inf"' />
    <install cmd='%comspec% /c mkdir "%PROGRAMFILES%\uvnc bvba\UltraVNC\driver"'>
      <exit code="any" />
    <install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\%ADDONS_INSTALLER_NAME% /verysilent /loadinf="%SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\addons.inf"' />

    <install cmd='%comspec% /c %SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\certmgr.exe -add %SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\ultravnc.cer -s -r localMachine trustedpublisher' architecture="x64" />

    <install cmd='"C:\Program Files\uvnc bvba\UltraVNC\driver\setupdrv.exe" installs' />
    <install cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\devcon.exe" update "C:\Program Files\uvnc bvba\UltraVNC\driver\driver\mv2.inf" mv_hook_display_driver2' >
      <exit code="any" />

    <install cmd='%comspec% /c copy /Y %SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\ultravnc.ini "%PROGRAMFILES%\uvnc bvba\UltraVNC"' />
<!-- Set the password in ultravnc.ini.  Note that the %VNC_PASSWORD% variable is set in the profile. Then restart UltraVNC. -->
    <install cmd='%comspec% /c %SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\replacetext.vbs "%PROGRAMFILES%\uvnc bvba\UltraVNC\ultravnc.ini" CHANGEME %VNC_PASSWORD%' />
    <install cmd='net stop uvnc_service' />
    <install cmd='net start uvnc_service' />

    <upgrade include="install"/>

    <remove cmd='net stop uvnc_service'>
      <exit code='0' />
      <exit code='2' />
    <remove cmd='sc delete uvnc_service' />
    <remove cmd='"C:\Program Files\uvnc bvba\UltraVNC\unins000.exe" /verysilent /norestart' />
    <remove cmd='%comspec% /c rmdir /S /Q "C:\Program Files\uvnc bvba"' />


Package for UltraVNC 1.1.7 x64

This builds slightly on the example from and was tested with Windows 7 x64 Clients.

You need UltraVNC_1_1_7_x64_Setup.exe and UltraVNC_1_1_7_x64_Addon.exe and create two install files (installer.exe /saveinf=file for both Setup and Addon). For the mirror Driver you need two Windows files certmgr.exe and devcon.exe (x64 Version) which you can find via Google. To get rid of the certificate warning from Windows 7 during the driver Installation we need the .cer file. Extract it from the setupdrv.exe (Right click on the file -> properties -> digital signature -> etc.). After the Installation I had the problem that the driver wasn´t recognized by the System. So i manually had to update it with the devcon.exe.

In the end there should be the Setup.exe, addon.exe, both .inf files, .cert file, certmgt.exe and devcon.exe in your setupfolder.

  <package id="ultravnc" name="Ultra VNC" revision="117" priority="0">
    <check type="uninstall" condition="versiongreaterorequal" path="UltraVnc" value="1.1.7" />

    <install cmd="net stop uvnc_service">
      <exit code="any" />
    <install cmd="sc delete uvnc_service">
      <exit code="any" />
    <install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\UltraVNC_1_1_7_x64_Setup.exe /verysilent /loadinf="%SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\setup.inf"' />
    <install cmd='%comspec% /c mkdir "C:\Program Files\uvnc bvba\UltraVNC\driver"'> 
      <exit code="any" />
    <install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\UltraVNC_1_1_7_x64_Addons.exe /verysilent /loadinf="%SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\addons.inf"' />

    <install cmd='%comspec% /c %SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\certmgr.exe -add %SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\ultravnc.cer -s -r localMachine trustedpublisher' />
    <install cmd='"C:\Program Files\uvnc bvba\UltraVNC\driver\setupdrv.exe" installs' />
    <install cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\devcon.exe" update "C:\Program Files\uvnc bvba\UltraVNC\driver\driver\mv2.inf" mv_hook_display_driver2' >
      <exit code="any" />

    <install cmd='%comspec% /c copy /Y %SOFTWARE%\ultravnc\ultravnc.ini "C:\Program Files\uvnc bvba\UltraVNC"' />
    <upgrade include="install"/>	

    <remove cmd='net stop uvnc_service'>
      <exit code='0' />
      <exit code='2' />
    <remove cmd='sc delete uvnc_service' />
    <remove cmd='"C:\Program Files\uvnc bvba\UltraVNC\unins000.exe" /verysilent /norestart' />
    <remove cmd='%comspec% /c rmdir /S /Q "C:\Program Files\uvnc bvba"' />

Windows Firewall

[Note: This may not be necessary as of UltraVNC 1.1.8.]

When installing silently the Windows Firewall won't prompt you to allow the VNC Server. You can script allowing traffic to the VNC server (on TCP port 5900, from all sources) using:

:: allow incoming TCP connections to port 5900 
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="VNC SERVER" dir=in protocol=TCP localport=5900 action=allow

old command (out-of-date)

netsh firewall add portopening TCP 5900 "VNC server" enable all