Difference between revisions of "MestReNova"

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(package for MestReNova)
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<exit code="any" />
<exit code="any" />
<!-- The following lines pushes licence files and reaction monitoring plugin to every computer-->
<install cmd='%comspec% /C xcopy /y "%SOFTWARE%\Mestrec\Mnova-ReactionMonitoring-" "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Mestrelab Research S.L\MestReNova\plugins\"' timeout="30" /><!-- source has to be adapted -->
<install cmd='%comspec% /C xcopy /y "%SOFTWARE%\Mestrec\Mnova-ReactionMonitoring-" "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Mestrelab Research S.L\MestReNova\plugins\"' timeout="30" /><!-- source has to be adapted -->
<install cmd='%comspec% /C xcopy /y "%SOFTWARE%\Mestrec\mestre2.lic" "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Mestrelab Research S.L\MestReNova\licenses\"' timeout="30" /><!-- source has to be adapted -->
<install cmd='%comspec% /C xcopy /y "%SOFTWARE%\Mestrec\mestre2.lic" "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Mestrelab Research S.L\MestReNova\licenses\"' timeout="30" /><!-- source has to be adapted -->

Revision as of 09:51, 17 December 2014

MestReNova is a NMR processing, analysis, simulation and reporting software.


	<variable name='PKGVERMESTRE' value='10.0.14381' />
	<variable name='BUILDMESTRE' value='14381' />
	<variable name="MESTREVER" value="10.0" />
	<check type="uninstall" condition="versiongreaterorequal" path="MestReNova %MESTREVER%" value="%PKGVERMESTRE%" />
	<install cmd='%COMSPEC% /C if exist "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Mestrelab Research S.L\MestReNova\Uninstall.exe" "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Mestrelab Research S.L\MestReNova\Uninstall.exe" /S'/>
	<install cmd='msiexec /i \\%SOFTWARE%\Mestrec\MestReNova-%MESTREVER%.0-%BUILDMESTRE%.msi ADDLOCAL="FtMain,FtNMR,FtNMRPDesk" /qn' ><!-- source has to be adapted -->
		<exit code="any" />
<!-- The following lines pushes licence files and reaction monitoring plugin to every computer--> 
	<install cmd='%comspec% /C xcopy /y "%SOFTWARE%\Mestrec\Mnova-ReactionMonitoring-" "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Mestrelab Research S.L\MestReNova\plugins\"' timeout="30" /><!-- source has to be adapted -->
	<install cmd='%comspec% /C xcopy /y "%SOFTWARE%\Mestrec\mestre2.lic" "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Mestrelab Research S.L\MestReNova\licenses\"' timeout="30" /><!-- source has to be adapted -->
	<install cmd='%comspec% /C xcopy /y "%SOFTWARE%\Mestrec\predic.lic" "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Mestrelab Research S.L\MestReNova\licenses\"' timeout="30" /><!-- source has to be adapted -->
	<install cmd='%comspec% /C xcopy /y "%SOFTWARE%\Mestrec\qnmr.lic" "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Mestrelab Research S.L\MestReNova\licenses\"' timeout="30" /><!-- source has to be adapted -->
	<install cmd='%comspec% /C xcopy /y "%SOFTWARE%\Mestrec\reaction.lic" "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Mestrelab Research S.L\MestReNova\licenses\"' timeout="30" /><!-- source has to be adapted -->

	<upgrade include="install" />
	<remove cmd="msiexec.exe /x {2CBEF533-4F0F-3839-AB34-0968BE577941} /qn"/>
	To omit change of GUID when version changes, following line should also work (not tested)
	<install cmd='%COMSPEC% /C "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Mestrelab Research S.L\MestReNova\uninst.exe" /S'/>