Difference between revisions of "Nextcloud Desktop Client"

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(Use the desktop clients to keep your files synchronized between your Nextcloud server and your desktop. Select one or more directories on your local machine and always have access to your latest files wherever you are. Learn more about our clients here.)
(No difference)

Revision as of 19:56, 20 May 2024

Downloads for Nextcloud Desktop Client

      name="Nextcloud Desktop Client"

    <variable name="PKG_VERSION"        value="3.13.0" />
    <!-- This variable is usually based on the date the package was created -->
    <variable name="PKG_VERSION_LONG"   value="" />
    <variable name="PKG_NAME"           value="Nextloud Desktop Client" />
    <variable name="PKG_SOURCE"         value="%SOFTWARE%\Nextcloud" />
    <variable name="PKG_DESTINATION"    value="%PROGRAMFILES%\Nextcloud\" />
    <variable name="PKG_INSTALL_SWITCH" value="ALLUSERS=1"/>
    <variable name="PKG_REMOVE_SWITCH"  value="ALLUSERS=1"/>

    <check type="uninstall" condition="versiongreaterorequal" path="Nextcloud" value="%PKG_VERSION_LONG%"/>

      <command type="install" cmd='msiexec /i "%PKG_SOURCE%\Nextcloud-%PKG_VERSION%-x64.msi" /qn /norestart %PKG_INSTALL_SWITCH% '>
        <exit code="0" />
        <exit code="3010" />
      <command type="upgrade" include="install" />

      <command type="remove" cmd='msiexec /x "%PKG_SOURCE%\Nextcloud-%PKG_VERSION%-x64.msi" /qn %PKG_REMOVE_SWITCH%' />

