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(Download not working)
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If that doesn't work, rebooting should.
If that doesn't work, rebooting should.
== Download not working ==
The requested URL /debian-asus/debian-mipsel-2007-Apr-04.tar.bz2 was not found on this server.

Revision as of 04:15, 5 April 2007


Enabling wireless on WL-500g Premium running Debian:

1. You need to install the wireless-tools package on the router.

2. Then, put the following modules in /etc/modules:

ieee80211_crypt_wep bcm43xx

I was using wep, so I needed the first module and it wasn't loading automatically.

3. The bcm43xx driver requires firmware. You can get it from here: http://boredklink.googlepages.com/wl_apsta.o .

4. Once you download it, you need to extract the firmware with the bcm43xx-fwcutter tool. There is a debian package here: http://packages.debian.org/unstable/utils/bcm43xx-fwcutter. You extract the firmware like this:

bcm43xx-fwcutter -w outputdir wl_apsta.o

where outputdir can be any directory that you want the firmware to be extracted into.

5. Next create the directory /lib/firmware on the router. Then copy over all the firmware in outputdir to /lib/firmware on the router like this:

scp outputdir/* root@router:/lib/firmware

6. Next, install hotplug on the router. udev should work also, but I couldn't get it to work right.

7. You need to set your wireless configuration in /etc/network/interfaces, the interface is eth2, for example, something like this:

auto eth2 iface eth2 inet static

   address 192.168.x.x
   gateway 192.168.x.x
   wireless-essid networkname
   wireless-key 00000000000000000

8. You should be able to load the modules bcm43xx and ieee80211_crypt_wep manually, then bring up the interface by:

ifup eth2

If that doesn't work, rebooting should.

Download not working

The requested URL /debian-asus/debian-mipsel-2007-Apr-04.tar.bz2 was not found on this server.