no edit summary
[ digestIT 2004] is a free Windows program that allows you to generate an [ MD5 message hash] or an [,2542,t=SHA1&i=51225,00.asp SHA-1 hash] for a file. An MD5 message hash, aka MD5 sum, and a SHA-1 hash are unique hexadecimal numbers that allow you to determine if a file has been altered. A silent installer and uninstaller for digestIT 2004 is provided below. Once it is installed, you can right-click on a file in Windows and choose "digestIT 2004" to generate either an MD5 hash or a SHA-1 hash. The software then provides you the opportunity to copy the hash to the Windows clipboard or save it to a file. <pre><package id="digestIT2004" name="digestIT 2004" revision="1" reboot="false" priority="5"> <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="digestIT 2004" /><install cmd='msiexec /i "%SOFTWARE%\digestIT2004\digestIT 2004.msi" /qn'> <exit code="0" /></install><remove cmd='msiexec /x{5B119660-1788-11D8-8EB8-0050BF643EE7} /qn' /></package></pre> The default installatation is "%PROGRAMFILES%\digestIT 2004" at least for Windows XP. I found it was installed in "C:\" when I installed it on a Windows 2000 Professional SP 4 system using wpkg, however. You can specify the installation directory in the digestIT 2004 entry in the packages.xml file by using an entry like the following in the install section: <pre><install cmd='msiexec /i "%SOFTWARE%\digestIT2004\digestIT 2004.msi" /qn TARGETDIR="%PROGRAMFILES%\Utilities\File\digestIT 2004"'> <exit code="0" /></install></pre> You could use the entry above to install the program into "C:\Program Files\Utilities\File\digestIT 2004". The installation process would create any of the subdirectories that did not exist. Reference: [ Installing and Uninstalling digestIT 2004 with WPKG] [[Category:Silent_Installers]]