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I work in 9 small schools that mainly use Win98 machines as "servers" and use it to deploy software installs in combination with Autoit scripts.  Approx 300 computers in total.  (Could really do for dependencies to work though :-( )
I work in 9 small schools that mainly use Win98 machines as "servers" and use it to deploy software installs in combination with Autoit scripts.  Approx 300 computers in total.  (Could really do for dependencies to work though :-( )
I also manage computers in few schools her in Canada, roughly 300 machines.  I use WPKG and Unattended.sf.net.  I can even fathom not to use it.  Now, if I could just figure how to install legacy apps - like adibou - i would be the happiest man on heart. 
And also, common, cloning is so 2000!

Revision as of 18:13, 10 August 2007

If you use WPKG, we would be glad to hear what you think about it.

Please specify on how many workstations you use it, with what type of network (Samba, Active Directory, mixed, etc.), and other information that you think could be useful.

Also, it would be interesting, although not necessary, to specify your name and/or country, company/university/school, with links etc.

We use WPKG on about 200 workstations, both with Samba and Active Directory. It is very flexible and saved us a lot of work. We don't use AD's built-in software deployment capabilities, because they were too limited and allowed only MSI installation - we use WPKG solely instead.

Syneticon Networks

We use wpkg on about 100 workstations with Active Directory. It's really easy and flexible.

We are in the process of deploying WPKG on to a network of around 70 PCs: have been impressed by the flexibility that WPKG offers for determining which workstations get which packages. Very nice. -- Cancer Epidemiology Unit, University of Oxford

We ars using Wpkg in a Samba(Linux) based domain. We are deploying WPKG on about 250 worksations. It's really simple to use ! Ecole Normale Sup�rieure de Lyon

I just finished a project for Schule Schongau in Switzerland. Here we manage about 15 computers using WPKG. All server-backend runs on Gentoo/Linux. In addition I implemented a linux-based RIS server (check out Linux-RIS for details, thanks to Sherpya). The installation is currently running on WPKG version 0.9.11-test1 directly accessing the configuration from WPKG-web. Through one single RunOnce entry it is possible to automatically install WPKG at the end of the setup process. After a restart it starts to deploy the software - very clean and smoothly.

Mississippi Department of Archives and History uses WPKG for approximately 100 computers spanning multiple geographic locations and buildings. Almost all of our servers are CentOS Linux, with a few Windows 2003 Servers for proprietary applications.

Réseau des Bibliothèques de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris

We use wpkg to deploy software on about 120 workstations in our nine libraries. The file server is Samba.

I work in 9 small schools that mainly use Win98 machines as "servers" and use it to deploy software installs in combination with Autoit scripts. Approx 300 computers in total. (Could really do for dependencies to work though :-( )

I also manage computers in few schools her in Canada, roughly 300 machines. I use WPKG and Unattended.sf.net. I can even fathom not to use it. Now, if I could just figure how to install legacy apps - like adibou - i would be the happiest man on heart.

And also, common, cloning is so 2000!