Difference between revisions of "Millennium"

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This file is documented at http://csdirect.iii.com/faq/mildoc.shtml in the last section.
This file is documented at http://csdirect.iii.com/faq/mildoc.shtml in the last section.
<source lang="xml">
<source lang="ini">
Line 32: Line 32:
And finally, here is the content of the install.bat file.
And finally, here is the content of the install.bat file.
<source lang="xml">
<source lang="dos">
@echo off
@echo off

Revision as of 15:45, 30 October 2008

The Innovative millennium client is part of a software that helps to manage libraries.


<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Innovative Millennium" />
<check type="file" condition="exists" path="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Millennium\jre\1.6.0_02\README.txt" />

<install cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\millennium\install.bat"' />

<!-- the upgrade installs a new jre -->
<upgrade cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\millennium\install.bat"' />

<remove cmd='"C:\Millennium\UninstallerData\Uninstall Innovative Millennium.exe"' />


For the installation to be silent, a file is needed. It must be placed near the client installer. It has to be named installer.properties. This file is documented at http://csdirect.iii.com/faq/mildoc.shtml in the last section.


And finally, here is the content of the install.bat file.

@echo off

rem ligne suivante par précaution ; certains utilisateurs (moi) ont une mauvaise variable (offline)
set MILLENNIUM_HOME=C:\Millennium

rem ces deux lignes ne sont utiles qu'en simulation 
rem car ces variables sont positionnées par wpkg-start
set WPKGROOT=\\biblio\wpkg
set SOFTWARE=%WPKGROOT%\software


rem teste l'existence de jarcache et autres et ne fait rien si ils existent
rem créer les répertoires jarcache et resources et donner des droits

if exist "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Millennium\jarcache\" goto END
mkdir "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Millennium\jarcache"

if exist "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Millennium\resources\" goto END
mkdir "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Millennium\resources"

rem donner des droits sur ces 2 répertoires, la faq d'innovative dit de le faire pour jardir aussi
Xcacls "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Millennium\jarcache" /T /C /G administrateurs:f "Tout le monde":f SYSTEM:f /y
Xcacls "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Millennium\resources" /T /C /G administrateurs:f "Tout le monde":f SYSTEM:f /y
Xcacls "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Millennium\jardir" /T /C /G administrateurs:f "Tout le monde":f SYSTEM:f /y


rem pause