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Revision as of 10:50, 12 January 2010

A small program to view Microsoft Access snapshots.

For the installation to work silently, you need the version of snapshotviewer included in a hotfix described in KB885883. The hotfix can be downloaded at http://support.microsoft.com/hotfix/KBHotfix.aspx?kbnum=885883&kbln=en-us.

<package id="snapshotviewer"
	 name="Microsoft Snapshot Viewer" 
	<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Snapshot Viewer" />
	<install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\SnapshotViewer\snpvw.exe /Q' />

	<upgrade cmd='%SOFTWARE%\SnapshotViewer\snpvw.exe /Q' />

	<remove  cmd='%ProgramFiles%\Snapshot Viewer\Setup\setup.exe /T snap90.stf /UA /QNT' />
	<remove  cmd='%comspec% /c RD /S /Q "%ProgramFiles%\Snapshot Viewer"' />