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990 bytes added, 09:48, 26 July 2010
Package version confusion and other nonsense: new section
:: Lets say you want to let the auto update mechanism in place (because your users have sufficient rights to do it ; because you do not have the time to update the wpkg managed software in real time), but want to be sure you upgrade Firefox on every machine, especially on the computers where the users never use FF. You can use the condition "versiongreaterorequal" on the firefox.exe file to achieve this. For Firefox 3.0.6 it will be : <check type="file" condition="versiongreaterorequal" path="%PROGRAMFILES%\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" value=""/>
== Package version confusion and other nonsense ==
I do not see any reason to not use the application version as the package version.
I do not like people telling me that the package version must be different from the application version.
This is the same for hints about needing updates due to security fixes.
This is the WPKG Wiki, which purpose is to show people how to create packages and use WPKG.
It is not a site to duplicate information about the reasons, why a software vendor released an update.
<source lang="xml">
name="Mozilla Firefox"
<variable name="PKG_VERSION" value="3.6.8" />
path="Mozilla Firefox .+"
<install cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\firefox\Firefox Setup %PKG_VERSION%.exe" -ms' />
The above allows me to only change one variable and use it for many other things.

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