From WPKG | Open Source Software Deployment and Distribution
ArcBruTile is an extension to ArcGIS Desktop. It makes it trivial to import background mapping tiles from OpenStreetMap, Bing maps, Google Maps and others.
Note that there is a dummy package to check that the correct version of ArcGIS Desktop is currently install. At the moment this is a dummy package because on my system this is currently installed using GPO. I will post a package for ArcGIS Desktop once I migrate it to WPKG.
<package id="arcgis9.3.1" name="ArcGIS Desktop 9.3.1" revision="20101027.2" priority="0" reboot="false">
<check type="uninstall" condition="versionequalto" path="ArcGIS Desktop" value="9.3.3000"/>
<!-- A dummy package to check that this is installed. -->
<package id="arcbrutile018" name="ArcBruTile" revision="20101027.3" priority="0" reboot="false">
<depends package-id="arcgis9.3.1"/>
<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="ArcBruTile 0.1.8" />
<!-- By default installs as per-user, hence force it to install per-machine -->
<install cmd="msiexec /q /i %SOFTWARE%GIS\ArcBruTile0.1.8\ArcBruTileSetup.msi ALLUSERS=1" />
<!-- For some reason this dll does not get registered properly -->
<install cmd="%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\regasm.exe "%programfiles%\CodePlex\ArcBruTile 0.1.8\ArcBruTile.dll" /s" />
<!-- copy our own configuration file with Bing Hybrid Layer enabled -->
<install cmd="xcopy %SOFTWARE%GIS\ArcBruTile0.1.8\ArcBruTile.dll.config "%programfiles%\CodePlex\ArcBruTile 0.1.8\ArcBruTile.dll.config" /Q /Y" />
<remove cmd='%ComSpec% /c if exist "%programfiles%\CodePlex\ArcBruTile 0.1.8\ArcBruTile.dll.config" del /F /Q "%programfiles%\CodePlex\ArcBruTile 0.1.8\ArcBruTile.dll.config"' />
<remove cmd="%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\regasm.exe "%programfiles%\CodePlex\ArcBruTile 0.1.8\ArcBruTile.dll" /s /unregister" />
<remove cmd="msiexec /q /x {E9CB6787-8DBB-4E7D-A319-FDFFCA1D722E}" />