From WPKG | Open Source Software Deployment and Distribution
This is a silent installer and de installer for Total Defense, an anti-virus from Computer Associates. More infos from
First, you have to install the server and create the end point packages personalised to your organisation.
Total Defense end point 32bit
name="Total Defense R12 SE3" revision="123"
reboot="false" priority="0">
<check type="logical" condition="or">
<check type="registry" condition="equals" path="HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProductName" value="Microsoft Windows 2000" /><!--si windows 2000, skip. TD requiert WinXP SP2 mini-->
<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Total Defense R12 Client" /><!-- si la clef TD R12 exist, skip-->
<check type="registry" condition="equals" path="HKLM\SOFTWARE\CA\TDClient\Version" value="12.0.831" /><!--si TD est en SE3, skip-->
<check type="registry" condition="equals" path="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE" value="AMD64" /><!--si c'est un windows 64bit, skip: j'installe TD 64bit-->
<!--deinstall des Versions precedentes evetuellement installees-->
<!--Etrust 7.1-->
<install cmd='msiexec /qn /x {99747F0D-D4F8-4877-9CA0-4AE96D963633}' ><exit code="any" /></install>
<!--Etrust 8.1-->
<install cmd='msiexec /qn /x {85F88F9C-6EB2-426B-88AB-28DA4A3526B9}' ><exit code="any" /></install>
<!--CA iTechnology iGateway-->
<install cmd='msiexec /qn /x {847501DF-07C0-4691-B04A-893929F108AE}' ><exit code="any" /></install>
<install timeout="600" cmd='msiexec /i "%SOFTWARE%\Computer Associates\Total Defense Antivirus R12\package_client_antivirus_SE3\antivirus\x86\CA Total Defense R12 Client.msi" /qn+ /l*v c:\mysilentsetup.log' />
<update timeout="600" cmd='msiexec /i "%SOFTWARE%\Computer Associates\Total Defense Antivirus R12\package_client_antivirus_SE3\antivirus\x86\CA Total Defense R12 Client.msi" /qn+ /l*v c:\mysilentsetup.log' />
<remove cmd='msiexec /qn /x {50BF667E-C591-4040-BFA1-F67D90E5B4CF}' />
Total Defense end point 64bit
name="Total Defense R12 SE3 64bit" revision="123"
reboot="false" priority="0">
<check type="logical" condition="or">
<check type="registry" condition="equals" path="HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProductName" value="Microsoft Windows 2000" /><!--si windows 2000, skip. TD requiert WinXP SP2 mini-->
<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Total Defense R12 Client" /><!-- si la clef TD R12 exist, skip-->
<check type="registry" condition="equals" path="HKLM\SOFTWARE\CA\TDClient\Version" value="12.0.831" /><!--si TD est en SE3, skip-->
<check type="registry" condition="equals" path="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE" value="x86" /><!--si c'est un windows 32bit, skip: j'installe TD 32bit-->
<install timeout="600" cmd='msiexec /i "%SOFTWARE%\Computer Associates\Total Defense Antivirus R12\package_client_antivirus_SE3\antivirus\AMD64\CA Total Defense R12 Client.msi" /qn+ /l*v c:\mysilentsetup.log' />
<update timeout="600" cmd='msiexec /i "%SOFTWARE%\Computer Associates\Total Defense Antivirus R12\package_client_antivirus_SE3\antivirus\AMD64\CA Total Defense R12 Client.msi" /qn+ /l*v c:\mysilentsetup.log' />
<remove cmd='msiexec /qn /x {50BF667E-C591-4040-BFA1-F67D90E5B4CF}' />