Construct 2
Construct 2 is a proprietary video game construction tool for Windows, available from There is a naggy free version and a paid version -- this installs the free version.
The program uses the Inno Setup installer.
When you download the installer the website appends a mysterious number to the installer's filename. You can probably rename the file to something standard, or you can include the mysterious number in your XML file (which is what I do). For example, the installer below was for the file "construct2-r139-setup_17015022.exe"
name="Construct 2"
<!-- Don't include the "r" in "r138" -->
<variable name="version" value="139" />
<!-- The package adds some number to the filename, which can be -->
<!-- different even for the same version of the software! -->
<variable name="suffixnum" value="17015022" />
<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Construct 2 r%version%" />
<install cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\Construct2\construct2-r%version%-setup_%suffixnum%.exe" /VERYSILENT /NORESTART ' />
<upgrade include="install" />
<remove cmd='"%PROGRAMFILES%\Construct 2\unins000.exe" /VERYSILENT /NORESTART' >
<exit code="1" />