

2,041 bytes added, 11:03, 26 October 2011
Added Skype for Business 5.5 + other tidyup
=Skype (Personal Version) (EXE installer)=  ==Skype (Personal Version) 5.5==
This is a silent installer for Skype version 5.5.
<package id="skype" name="Skype" revision="5.5" priority="10" reboot="false">
<variable name="REVISION" value="5.5"/>
==Skype (Personal Version) (EXE installer) 4 and 5==
This is a silent installer for Skype versions 4 and 5.
If you prefer to work with MSI files, download the Skype for Business version at (downloading requires a valid Skype account or to create a new one)
The Skype IT Administrator's Guide, available from (but for the older Skype 4.2), includes a table of registry keys for controlling policies such as automatic updates and becoming a supernode. The additional install commands below modify the registry to disable automatic updates, supernodes and running at login by default.
When using the MSI installer, you will get an MSI error 1638 when doing a minor version upgrade (say from 5.0.152 to 5.0.156), however since the product code doesn't change between minor versions, you can get around this by uninstalling based on the product code first, before running the normal installer like this:
<source lang="xml">
<install cmd='msiexec /qn /x{9C538746-C2DC-40FC-B1FB-D4EA7966ABEB}'><exit code="1605" /></install> <!-- 5.0 product code -->
==Skype for Business 5.5==
This applies to 32-bit and 64-bit installations of Skype.
<source lang="xml">
<variable name="version" value="" />
<check type='logical' condition='and'>
<!--The real string is "SkypeTM 5.5" -->
<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Skype.*" />
<check type='logical' condition='or'>
<!-- The skype.exe version number for is -->
value="%version%" />
value="%version%" />
<install cmd='msiexec /qn /i "%SOFTWARE%\skype\SkypeSetup.msi"' />
<upgrade cmd='msiexec /qn /i "%SOFTWARE%\skype\SkypeSetup.msi"' />
<!-- Close a running version of Skype -->
<remove cmd='"%PROGRAMFILES%\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /shutdown' />
<remove cmd='msiexec /x{F1CECE09-7CBE-4E98-B435-DA87CDA86167} /qn /norestart' />
===Skype for Business 5.5 Configuration===
Adding these additional install commands into your WPKG package will modify the registry to disable automatic updates (DisableVersionCheckPolicy), disable supernodes (DisableSupernodePolicy) and disable Skype running at login by default.
<source lang="xml">
<install cmd='%COMSPEC% /C reg add "HKLM\Software\Policies\Skype\Phone" /v "DisableVersionCheckPolicy" /d "1" /t REG_DWORD /f' />
<install cmd='%COMSPEC% /C reg add "HKLM\Software\Policies\Skype\Phone" /v "DisableSupernodePolicy" /d "1" /t REG_DWORD /f' />
<install cmd='%COMSPEC% /C reg delete "HKU\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v "Skype" /f' />
==Skype for Business 5.0==
This applies to 32-bit and 64-bit installations of Skype.
<source lang="xml">
<check type='logical' condition='and'>
<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Skype.*" /> <check type='logical' condition='or'> <check type="file" condition="versiongreaterorequal" path="%ProgramFiles%\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" value="%version%" /> <check type="file" condition="versiongreaterorequal" path="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" value="%version%" /> </check>
<install cmd='msiexec /qn /i "%SOFTWARE%\skype\SkypeSetup-%version%.msi"' />
<install cmd='%COMSPEC% /C reg add "HKLM\Software\Policies\Skype\Phone" /v "DisableVersionCheckPolicy" /d "1" /t REG_DWORD /f' />
<install cmd='%COMSPEC% /C reg add "HKLM\Software\Policies\Skype\Phone" /v "DisableSupernodePolicy" /d "1" /t REG_DWORD /f' />
<install cmd='%COMSPEC% /C reg delete "HKU\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v "Skype" /f' />
<upgrade cmd='msiexec /qn /i "%SOFTWARE%\skype\SkypeSetup-%version%.msi"' />
<remove cmd='msiexec /x{9C538746-C2DC-40FC-B1FB-D4EA7966ABEB} /qn /norestart' />
===Skype for Business 5.0 Configuration===
Adding these additional install commands into your WPKG package will modify the registry to disable automatic updates (DisableVersionCheckPolicy), disable supernodes (DisableSupernodePolicy) and disable Skype running at login by default.
<source lang="xml">
<install cmd='%COMSPEC% /C reg add "HKLM\Software\Policies\Skype\Phone" /v "DisableVersionCheckPolicy" /d "1" /t REG_DWORD /f' />
<install cmd='%COMSPEC% /C reg add "HKLM\Software\Policies\Skype\Phone" /v "DisableSupernodePolicy" /d "1" /t REG_DWORD /f' />
<install cmd='%COMSPEC% /C reg delete "HKU\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v "Skype" /f' />