
Foxit Reader

17 bytes removed, 09:28, 3 November 2011
Many ways to effect reg changes, it's more confusing if a specific method is used, rather than just giving the reg settings. & the most convenient method is to use WPKG rather than a .bat
The registry option ...MainFrame\DisplayInBrowser=0 described in Configiuration Scripts - Foxit Reader 4.3 doesn't seem to be able to be used to turn this off.
=Configuration Scripts= Disable the welcome dialog ==
=== Foxit Reader 5.1 === As of version 5.10.1021 you can disable the Welcome Dialog by adding using the following line to your usersettings.bat file from previous post install config scripts.registry setting:File '''usersettings HKCU\Software\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader 5.bat''' (used by settings.bat)0\Preferences\Others\bShowWelcomeDlg="0" You can script this using the following:
<source lang="dos">
REM Remove the Welcome Dialog (that's right, it's finally possible) reg add "%1HKCU\Software\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader 5.0\Preferences\Others" /v bShowWelcomeDlg /d "0" /f >> NUL:
=Configuration Scripts=
== Foxit Reader 4.3 ==