no edit summary
* in admin folder use nciman.exe - define your settings and save it to novell-client\unnatend.txt
* my example unattend.txt:
<source lang="ini">
NW_NWFS=NovellNetwareClientParameters, \$OEM$\NET\NTCLIENT\I386
* test your settings:
<source lang="dos">
start /w setupnw.exe /U /l:english /SL:c:\novell-client.log
== novell-client.xml ==
== change-provider-order.vbs ==
Novell Client put self in provider order on first place http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/howto_mod_prov_order.mspx?mfr=true If you have to use active directory + novell client, login scripts and wpkg auto-installation can be very slow. This script will put Microsoft Networks on first place:
<source lang="vb">
' ChangeProviderOrder.vbs, by Anders Olsson, Kentor Teknik AB, 2006-10-31
' Write the new string back to the registry
WshShell.RegWrite "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\NetworkProvider\Order\ProviderOrder", strNewProvs, "REG_SZ"
== nastaveni.reg ==
Hide initial novell login, or set some settings that don't work with unattend.txt
<source lang="reg">
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"PassiveMode"=dword:00000001 ;Set this to 1 to bypass the "Initial Novell Login"
== auto-login in Novell from Active Directory ==
Create GPO, User Configuration - Windows Settings - Scripts - Logon - login.cmd
* login.cmd:
<source lang="dos">
%SystemRoot%\system32\loginw32.exe /CONT /PWD SomePassword
[[Category:Silent Installers]]