updated to latest stable release
<package id="UltraDefrag" name="Ultra Defragmenter" revision="%PKG_VERSION%" reboot="false" priority="10">
<variable name="PKG_VERSION" value="5.1.01" />
<variable name="PKG_ARCHITECTURE" value="i386" architecture="x86"/>
<package id="UltraDefrag" name="Ultra Defragmenter" revision="%PKG_VERSION%" reboot="false" priority="10">
<variable name="PKG_VERSION" value="5.1.01" />
<variable name="PKG_ARCHITECTURE" value="i386" architecture="x86"/>
It is not recommended to defragment a disk very often, since this will heavily reduce the lifetime of the disk.
The package revision is the date of the last change in the format yyyy.mm.dd, which allows keeping track of the package changes too.
<source lang="xml">
<package id="UltraDefragEnable" name="Ultra Defragmenter Enable Boot Scan" revision="20102012.0211.1911" reboot="false" execute="changed">
<depends package-id="UltraDefrag"/>
There is a general configuration deployed and two examples show how to deploy based on computer name or operating system version.
The package revision is the date of the last change in the format yyyy.mm.dd, which allows keeping track of the package changes too.
<source lang="xml">
<package id="UltraDefragConfig" name="Ultra Defragmenter Config" revision="2012.11.1011" reboot="false" priority="10">
<depends package-id="UltraDefrag"/>