
Microsoft .NET Framework

57 bytes added, 15:14, 6 August 2013
Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Full (Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile + Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended): Added subheadings and 'This is the last version available for Windows XP'
=Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Full (Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile + Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended)=
This is the last version available for Windows XP. Download from
There is no 'or' in the 'check' line for .NET 4.0 (as there was with .NET 3.5) as it was never distributed pre-installed with a version of Windows.
==A version that runs the installer from the server so that it is unpacked from there to C::==
<source lang="xml">
==A version that copies the installer to C: first so that it is unpacked locally:==
<source lang="xml">