
Google drive

32 bytes removed, 13:03, 4 June 2015
Google Drive Enterprise
'''XML template file'''
Note. The 'Remove' line uses a script I use to work out the MSI uninstall command and then run it. As the command changes for each version of Google Drive a different way of working out the uninstall command is needed. The contents of wpkg_silent_msi_uninstall.bat and uninstall_value-master.au3 are below. The command "\\%DOMAIN%\netlogon\scripts\autoit3cmd_64.exe" is something I use to run a au3 file and view the output. There's nothing wrong with compiling uninstall_value-master.au3 and replacing '"\\%DOMAIN%\netlogon\scripts\autoit3cmd_64.exe" "\\%DOMAIN%\netlogon\scripts\uninstall\uninstall_value-master.au3"' with the path to the exe file. wpkg_silent_msi_uninstall.bat would then need teaking tweaking so to not expect 5 variables being passed to it but to expect 4. wpkg_silent_msi_uninstall.bat , other lines will need playing with when using a exechanging too.
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