
Adding Registry Settings

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Utilities that can only edit entries
There are a number of utilities that allow you to modify the registry. Depending on your reqirements, may be more suitable for you needs.
Some come with Windows natively, some can set security permissions as well as modifying entries.
=Utilities that can only edit entries= ==Reg== Command-line registry editor, can be used directly from within WPKG. Included with Windows 2000 Resource Kit, or bundled with Windows from Windows XP onwards.For example, adding a registry value: reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Test /v "Test Setting" /d "1" /t REG_DWORDFor example, deleting a registry value: reg delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v "Picasa Media Detector" /f ==RegEdit== NB: When used via I like the command line Regedit cannot change registry access permissions. When used interactively a user can alter permissions. Windows has a registry editing program called RegEdit which can be used interactively or it can be scripted. This can be useful to setup defaults helpful information you provide for applications, or apply [http://wwwyour articles.winguidesIll bookmark your blog and check again right here registry tweaks for various Windows settings]. Regedit.exe comes with Windows (located at: %SystemRoot%\regedit.exe) so does not need to I am quite certain Ill be installed on a PC by hand or stored in a shared folder. To run RegEdit interactively, run the program <code>regedit.exe</code>. To script the amendment informed many new stuff proper right here! Best of the registry using RegEdit, use it in the form <code>regedit.exe /s <filename>.reg</code>. You can use RegEdit from WPKG to silently import registry settings, luck for example:<source lang="xml"> <package id="sample_registry" name="Adds the contents of a .reg file to the registry" revision="1" priority="0" execute="once"> <check type="registry" condition="equals" path="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Test" value="1" /> <install cmd='regedit /s "%SOFTWARE%\test_registry.reg"' /> </package></source> And the sample file: <code>test_registry.reg</code>:<source lang="reg">Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Test]"Test Setting"=dword:00000001[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TEST2]</source>(In Windows 2000/XP, adding "-" in front of a key name causes that key to be deleted from the registry.) You can create ready-made .reg files by exporting registry keys from within RegEdit. ==DTReg== DTReg by David G. Thomas. Freeware. Not available from the author's site at but is available from The latest known version is 1.0t, circa! cekgdcddadcdcbaa
=Utilities that can only edit permissions=
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