
Adobe Reader

380 bytes removed, 14:00, 2 September 2006
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name="Acrobat Reader 7.0.5"
<!-- the reboot flag may not always be necessary --> reboot="falsetrue"
<upgrade cmd='msiexec /q /i "\\server\wpkg\pkg\Adobe Reader 7.0.5.msi" allusers=1'>
<exit code="0" />
<!-- exit code 3010 means "reboot"; see the corresponding reboot flag above-->
<exit code="3010" />
This produces an error sometimes. That is because the installer seems to finish with different exit codes depending on machine configuration, but it kind of works - first WPKG installs 7.0.5 and exits with an error code and on the next run WPKG bypasses it because the uninstall condition is met. If someone has more time to test it please '''fix this''' - This is probably 3010 .. which means "please reboot". To fix it simply add a second exit code line to your package (and set reboot flag) .. see above. - In uninstall just , change the third part of the alphanumeric chain (1033) into NLS code, which is:
German: 1031
Polish: 1045
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