

231 bytes added, 14:14, 2 September 2006
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<check type="file" condition="versionequalto" path="%PROGRAMFILES%\IrfanView\i_view32.exe" value="" />
<!-- install Irfanview see for full list of the installer options --> <install cmd='\\server\share\IrfanView%PACKAGES%\iview398.exe /silent /folder="%ProgramFiles%\Irfanview" /desktop=1 /group=1 /allusers=1 /assoc=1' />
<!-- overwrite the bring in our INI file so that which forces Irfanview to use per-user settings are saved configurations in their %APPDATA% directory -->
<install cmd='cmd /c copy /y \\server\share\IrfanView\i_view32.ini "%ProgramFiles%\Irfanview\"' />
See for a full list of the installer options.
If the INI file in Irfanview's program directory contains the line INI_folder="%APPDATA%" then each user will have their own preferences saved in their %APPDATA% directory rather than all users using the same preferences file in the Irfanview program directory.
[[category:Silent Installers|Irfanview]]
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