
FloAt's mobile agent (FMA)

902 bytes added, 22:32, 6 November 2007
New page: FMA (FloAT's mobile agent) is a powerful phone management tool. Mainly for S/O/N/Y phones. If you own a Sony-Ericsson phone you might definitely want to give it a try. Check out at [http:/...
FMA (FloAT's mobile agent) is a powerful phone management tool. Mainly for S/O/N/Y phones. If you own a Sony-Ericsson phone you might definitely want to give it a try. Check out at [ FMA homepage].

Use the following for silent installation:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<package id='FMA' name='floAt Mobile Agent' revision='21' priority='50' reboot='false' >
<!-- floAt"s Mobile Agent -->
<check type='uninstall' condition='exists' path='floAt"s Mobile Agent 2' />
<install cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\floAt"s Mobile Agent v. Beta 4\fma-2.1-beta-4-setup.exe" /sp- /verysilent /norestart' />
<remove cmd='"%ProgramFiles%\Fma 2\unins001.exe" /SILENT' />
<upgrade cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\floAt"s Mobile Agent v. Beta 4\fma-2.1-beta-4-setup.exe" /sp- /verysilent /norestart' />


[[Category:Silent Installers]]
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