
Adobe CS4

1,585 bytes added, 09:51, 11 May 2009
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Silent installer for Adobe CS4.
This is one of the worst installers I've ever seen - over-engineered, with dis-informative explanations of exit codes giving no clues whatsoever.
First, navigate to <code>Deployment Toolkit\Adobe CS4</code> directory and start <code>Setup.exe</code>. It will ask you where Adobe CS4 installer is located - point it to <code>disk1\Adobe CS4</code> directory.
Answer any questions it might have, give your serial number - the program will produce <code>Adobe CS4</code> directory with 4 files - copy it somewhere to your deployment directory (i.e. to <code>%SOFTWARE%\adobecs4</code>)- this will be your silent installer:
* AdobeUberInstaller.exe
* AdobeUberUninstaller.exe
* AdobeUberInstaller.xml
* AdobeUberUninstaller.xml
If your installation media came on 4 CDs, you may feel unlucky. Some Adobe genius couldn't predict that most corporate deployments happen over network. So if you copy contents of these CD-ROMs somewhere to a network location, run Deployment Toolkit to create a silent installer, it will not work. Apparently, after installing programs from disk 1, silent installer will want to access disk 2. As it is a silent installer, it can't ask you to place a correct disk and will fail with a meaningless exit code, like:
* Exit code: 6 Silent workflow completed with errors
* Exit code: 7 Unable to complete the silent workflow
Who made an silent installer which will want to access different CD-ROMs is beyond my understanding.
A workaround is to create a <code>Adobe CS4</code> directory and copy <code>payloads</code> and <code>extensions</code> directories from all CD-ROMs there (if there are files that already exist, just overwrite them - some content is duplicated among CD-ROMs), i.e. like that:
* Adobe CS4\payloads
* Adobe CS4\extensions
Next, run the installer like this (<code>cs4-install.bat</code>):
<source lang="dos">
net use P: \\server\dfs\Admin\CS4
"P:\Adobe CS4 installer\AdobeUberInstaller.exe"
net use /delete P:
Even with this, it may not work - depending on workstation's security settings, you may expect a pop-up Window asking "are you sure you want to run AdobeAir.exe" etc.
<check type="file" condition="exists" path="%PROGRAMFILES%\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS4\InDesign.exe" />
<install cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\adobecs4\AdobeUberInstallercs4-install.exebat"' timeout="7200" /> <upgrade cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\adobecs4\AdobeUberInstallercs4-install.exebat"' timeout="7200" /> <remove cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\adobecs4\AdobeUberUninstallercs4-uninstall.exebat"' />