<div style="margin-left: 30px">
'''exitcodesmallerthan''' - This checks the exit code of the executed Esto comprueba que el código de salida del script. If the exit code is smaller than the supplied valueejecutado es inferior al dato proporcionado, the condition returns en cuyo caso devuelve ''true''.
'''exitcodelessorequal''' - This checks the exit code of the executed scriptidem. If the exit code is less or equal to the supplied value, the condition returns truecon menor o igual...
'''exitcodeequalto''' - This checks the exit code of the executed scriptidme. If the exit code is equal to the supplied value, the condition returns truecon igual...
'''exitcodegreaterorequal''' - This checks the exit code of the executed scriptidem. If the exit code is greater than of equal to the supplied value, the condition returns truecon mayor o igual...
'''exitcodegreaterthan''' - This checks the exit code of the executed scriptidem. If the exit code is greater than the supplied value, the condition returns truecon mayor que...
<source lang="xml">
<check type="execute" path="\\path\to\script.cmd" condition="exitcodesmallerthan" value="0">
<source lang="xml">
<check type="execute" path="\\path\to\script.cmd" condition="exitcodelessorequal" value="0" >
<source lang="xml">
<check type="execute" path="\\path\to\script.cmd" condition="exitcodeequalto" value="0" >
<source lang="xml">
<check type="execute" path="\\path\to\script.cmd" condition="exitcodegreaterorequal" value="0" >
<source lang="xml">
<check type="execute" path="\\path\to\script.cmd" condition="exitcodegreaterthan" value="0" >