Page history
16 November 2011
Added and tidied up useful links to info about versions, changelogs and security advisories
→Filenames: Does anyone know the letter designation for Is it 'y'?
15 November 2011
14 November 2011
→Combined 32-bit and 64-bit Windows package for both, IE and others: added taskkills
→Combined 32-bit and 64-bit Windows package for both, IE and others: upgrade to latest version; some files were renamed by Adobe
12 November 2011
11 November 2011
→Adobe Flash Player 10: Flash Player 10 is still supported with security updates, the most recent being
→Download Flash Player
→Download Flash Player
10 November 2011
31 October 2011
Unifying download links into a single place
→Filenames: Added
→Firefox and Other Browsers: Improving readability
→Internet Explorer: Improving readability
28 October 2011
10 October 2011
added combined 32-bit and 64-bit Windows package for both, IE and others
→Firefox and Other Browsers
→Internet Explorer
6 October 2011
→Internet Explorer
→Firefox and Other Browsers
→Firefox and Other Browsers
→Internet Explorer
5 October 2011
21 September 2011
→WPKG installer for Firefox/Opera with Win64bit check
→WPKG installer for Internet Explorer with Win64bit check
26 August 2011
9 August 2011
→WPKG installer for Firefox/Opera with Win64bit check
→WPKG installer for Internet Explorer with Win64bit check
file version numbers for Flash
4 August 2011
30 June 2011
14 June 2011
6 June 2011
Update package xml for new version, correct shortversion for latest version, remove unnecessary program column, Firefox plugin is always NPSWF32.dll
→Filenames: Updated filenames for & and added new column for Firefox/Opera program filename
2 June 2011
→Adobe Flash Player 10
→WPKG installer for Internet Explorer with Win64bit check
12 May 2011
15 April 2011
24 March 2011
23 March 2011
→WPKG installer for Firefox/Opera with Win64bit check: Updated for version
→WPKG installer for Internet Explorer with Win64bit check: Update for version
3 March 2011
1 March 2011
→WPKG installer for Firefox/Opera with Win64bit check
→WPKG installer for Internet Explorer with Win64bit check