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profiles.xml est un fichier qui définit les paquets de logiciels ou de scripts qui seront installés executés sur les hôtes. Ce fichier doit être placé dans le même répertoire que wpkg.js.

WPKG ne fonctionnera pas sans ce fichier.

Les hôtes sont définis dans le fichier hosts.xml.
Les paquets sont définis dans le fichier packages.xml.

structure de profiles.xml

La structure de profiles.xml est comme ci-dessous :


<profile id="default">
<package package-id="acrobat" />
<package package-id="firefox" />

<profile id="custom">
<depends profile-id="default" />
<package package-id="thunderbird" />


Which means, that if a host, defined in hosts.xml has a profile default (the first profile above), it will have acrobat and firefox installed - because profile id="default" contains these two packages.

Now take a look at <depends profile-id="default" /> entry in the next profile - <profile id="custom">.
This profile only seems to contain a thunderbird package.
But because it depends on <profile id="default">, which contains two more packages (acrobat and firefox) - it all sums up, and in the end, a host with a profile custom will have three packages installed: acrobat, firefox and thunderbird.

This way you can easily create a group of packages to be installed on all workstations (for example, in profile default), and then create specific profiles for different rooms, departments etc.

Profiles can depend on more than one package.

Quick examples


<profile id="default">
<package package-id="firefox" />

<profile id="custom">
<depends profile-id="default" />
<package package-id="thunderbird" />
<package package-id="acrobat" />

<profile id="basement">
<package package-id="photoshop" />

<profile id="administration">
<depends profile-id="custom" />
<package package-id="firefox" />
<package package-id="database" />


See also