
This is a silent installer for freeSSHd.

freeSSHd, like it's name says, is a free implementation of an SSH server. It provides strong encryption and authentication over insecure networks like Internet. Users can open remote console or even access their remote files thanks to buit-in SFTP server.

freeSSHd can be run on NT based operating system, starting from Windows NT version 4.0. There are no special hardware requirements, any computer that can run WinNT will be sufficient. freeSSHd uses very low amount of resources, but you must keep in mind the memory consumption of applications that your remote users will use and number of users as well.

If you have a Windows firewall and you would like to open port 22, see opening a port in Windows XP firewall.

Modified from original package below to allow you to upload and authorized_keys file for user kahuna, a banner.txt file and a preconfigured ini file. It also registers, configs and starts the service so that it will auto start.

<package id="freesshd" name="freeSSHd" revision="120" reboot="false" priority="10">
   <check type="file" condition="exists" path="C:\Program Files\freeSSHd\unins000.exe" />

   <install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\system\freesshd.exe /VERYSILENT /NOICON /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /LOADINF="%SOFTWARE%\system\freesshd/freesshd.inf"' />
   <install cmd='%comspec% /c wmic service where name="FreeSSHDService" call stopservice' />
   <install cmd='%comspec% /c wmic service where name="FreeSSHDService" call delete' />
   <install cmd='%comspec% /c copy /v /y "%SOFTWARE%\system\freesshd\freesshdservice.ini" "c:\program files\freesshd"'/>
   <install cmd='%comspec% /c copy /v /y "%SOFTWARE%\system\freesshd\kahuna" "c:\program files\freesshd"'/>
   <install cmd='%comspec% /c copy /v /y "%SOFTWARE%\system\freesshd\banner.txt" "c:\program files\freesshd"'/>
   <install timeout="30" cmd='%comspec% /c "c:\program files\freesshd\freesshdservice.exe" /regserver' />
   <install timeout="30" cmd='%comspec% /c "c:\program files\freesshd\freesshdservice.exe" /service' />
   <install cmd='%comspec% /c sc config FreeSSHDService start= auto' />
   <install cmd='%comspec% /c sc start FreeSSHDService' />

   <remove cmd='%comspec% /c wmic service where name="FreeSSHDService" call stopservice' />
   <remove cmd='%comspec% /c wmic service where name="FreeSSHDService" call delete' />
   <remove cmd='"%PROGRAMFILES%\freesshd\unins000.exe" /VERYSILENT' />
   <remove cmd='%comspec% /c if exist "c:\program files\freesshd" rmdir /s /q "c:\program files\freesshd"' />


        <check type="file" condition="exists" path="C:\Program Files\freeSSHd\FreeSSHDService.exe" />
        <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="freeSSHd 1.2.0" />

        <install cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\freeSSHd.exe" /VERYSILENT /NOICON /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES' />
        <remove  cmd='"%PROGRAMFILES%\freeSSHd\unins000.exe" /VERYSILENT' />
        <upgrade cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\freeSSHd.exe" /VERYSILENT /NOICON /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES' />