Gallery Remote

This is a silent installer and uninstaller for Gallery Remote, a tool to use with Gallery, an Online photo manager. More infos from here

<package id="galleryremote" name="GalleryRemote (Update Gallery websites)" revision="1" priority="2" reboot="false">
   <depends package-id="java6" />
   <depends package-id="reg" /> <!-- For Win2k.  Without reg.exe Gallery Remote cannot find Imagemagick -->
   <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Gallery Remote" />
   <install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\gallery\GalleryRemote.1.5.Win32.NoVM.exe -i SILENT' />
   <upgrade cmd='%SOFTWARE%\gallery\GalleryRemote.1.5.Win32.NoVM.exe -i SILENT' />
   <remove cmd='"%PROGRAMFILES%\Gallery Remote\UninstallerData\Uninstall gallery_remote.exe" -i SILENT' >
    <exit code="0" />
    <exit code="-1" /> <!-- Not sure why uninstaller is returning -1, but it appears to have been successful -->
   <remove cmd='ping -n 10>NUL' /> <!-- Post remove check failing without this pause -->