Smart Notebook

Silent install for Smart Notebook.

Follow this page to generate the .mst file. Save it as Notebook Software.mst. Save the "Notebook Software.msi" and the "Notebook Software.mst" to your servers software directory under a folder called smartboard and a subfolder called notebook. Paste in the code and go. Have fun. All this info is found from here.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 
<package id="SmartNotebook" name="Smart Notebook 10" revision="10" priority="50" reboot="false"> 
        <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Notebook Software" /> 
        <install cmd='msiexec /i "%SOFTWARE%\smartboard\notebook\notebook software.msi" TRANSFORMS="NetworkInstall.mst" CUSTOMER_LOGGING=1 /qn'>
           <exit code="0" /> 
           <exit code="3010" reboot="true" /> 
        <remove cmd='"C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\Driver\9\Intel 32\IDriver.exe" /M{46486451-E60F-42C3-92D7-796D8594688A} /l1033 /r /z-AddRemove -RemoveReg'>
           <exit code="0" /> 
           <exit code="3010" reboot="true" /> 
        <upgrade cmd='msiexec /quiet /i "%SOFTWARE%\smartboard\notebook\Notebook Software.msi"' /> 