

563 bytes added, 18:04, 16 October 2008
We use wpkg as part of an automated build process that installs Windows and all the required software. We don't have a Windows domain - it's all controlled via Samba - without wpkg we'd probably either have one great big mess of batch files or we'd have had to shell out for all the necessary parts that make up an Active Directory domain.
We use WPKG on about 50 workstations in a linux/Samba directory environment. We are a versatile engineering firm and we have to support numerous different configurations, sometimes with complex setting tweaks for different applications. We prefer WPKG since it supports all formats, not just .msi. Through the use of simple WPKG functions paired with .bat scripts for additional configurations, we are able to satisfy all needs. Try WPKG if you need any type of automated software deployment.
[ Boston Engineering Corporation]
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