Changes 3.x

27 bytes added, 06:15, 2 February 2009
Small typos, added to new category "OpenOffice"
<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path=" 3.0" />
<install cmd='msiexec /qn /i "%SOFTWARE%\ooo301-ita\openofficeorg30.msi" TRANSFORMS=%SOFTWARE%\ooo301-ita\ooo300ooo301.mst ALLUSERS=1 REGISTER_ALL_MSO_TYPES=1' /> <upgrade cmd='msiexec /qn /i "%SOFTWARE%\ooo301-ita\openofficeorg30.msi" TRANSFORMS=%SOFTWARE%\ooo301-ita\ooo300ooo301.mst ALLUSERS=1 REGISTER_ALL_MSO_TYPES=1' />
<remove cmd='msiexec /qn /x {85F0337D-33AC-43B4-A003-DF35061F1D8D}' />
Seems to reboot the system despite the reboot="false" option when Quickstart is already loaded (ie: execute wpkg-start.bat explicitly or manual restart the WPKGSrv).
== Poor availability of installer without JRE ==
Issue number 95374 has been filed in requesting "non JRE" installers for all localizations; it has been answered pointing out that resources for translation are short, so that not all versions are translated and submitted to the Quality Assurance process. Solution is to volunteer and help localization and QA teams.
== Avoid registration window ==
You can get setup.xcu and common.xcu from this location:
== File types associations ==
Since Ooo does not configure file types other than ODF to be opened by default in Ooo I've created a registry file to set it (it has to be added for each user of the computer, so if you install Ooo as admin and have other users working consider adding batch script to 'All users'->'autostart'. Check [ WPKG Adding Registry Settings] for details.
For instructions on automating installation of OpenOffice extensions, per-machine, see ['s wiki on unopkg].
[[category:Silent Installers]][[category:NSIS]][[category:OpenOffice]]