
Notepad plus plus

299 bytes added, 05:11, 16 November 2010
Adjust exit codes.
<variable name="version" value="5.78.4" />
<check type="uninstall" condition="versionequalto" path="Notepad++" value="%version%" />
<!-- remove plug-ins to prevent installer hanging -->
<!-- Exit code of "1" can occur if there are no .dll files in the plugins dir. This happens if a previous installation has been uninstalled, since the uninstaller fails to remove the plugins folder. --> <install cmd='%ComSpec% /c if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Notepad++\plugins" del /f /q "%ProgramFiles%\Notepad++\plugins\*.dll"' ><exit code="1"/></install> <install cmd='%ComSpec% /c if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Notepad++\plugins" del /f /q "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Notepad++\plugins\*.dll"' ><exit code="1"/></install>
<install cmd="%SOFTWARE%\Notepad++\npp.%version%.Installer.exe /S" />
<!-- remove plug-ins to prevent installer hanging -->
<upgrade cmd='%ComSpec% /c if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Notepad++\plugins" del /f /q "%ProgramFiles%\Notepad++\plugins\*.dll"' ><exit code="1"/></upgrade> <upgrade cmd='%ComSpec% /c if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Notepad++\plugins" del /f /q "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Notepad++\plugins\*.dll"' ><exit code="1"/></upgrade> <upgrade cmd="%SOFTWARE%\Notepad++\npp.%version%.Installer.exe /S" />
<!-- Silent uninstaller seems to be broken in 5.7 -->
<!-- upgrade cmd="%SOFTWARE%\Notepad++\npp.%version%.Installer.exe /S" -->
<!-- Windows 32-bit -->
<remove cmd='%ComSpec% /c if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Notepad++\plugins" del /f /q "%ProgramFiles%\Notepad++\plugins\*.dll"' ><exit code="1"/></remove>
<remove cmd='%ComSpec% /c if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Notepad++\uninstall.exe" "%ProgramFiles%\Notepad++\uninstall.exe" /S' />
<!-- Windows 64-bit -->
<remove cmd='%ComSpec% /c if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Notepad++\plugins" del /f /q "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Notepad++\plugins\*.dll"' ><exit code="1"/></remove>
<remove cmd='%ComSpec% /c if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Notepad++\uninstall.exe" "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Notepad++\uninstall.exe" /S' />