Belgium id viewer (BeID)
From WPKG | Open Source Software Deployment and Distribution
This will install the Belgium ID Card Viewer (BEID)[1] automatically. First extract the certificate on a computer with BeID already installed via the certmgr.msc and save it in the root folder of your install packge as "fedict_codesigning.cer" This is fully working on Windows 10 and not on Windows 7.
<package id="BeId" name="Belgium ID Card Reader" revision="%version%" reboot="false" priority="10">
<variable name="version" value="4.1.18" />
<variable name="plateform" value="32" architecture="x86"/>
<variable name="plateform" value="64" architecture="x64"/>
<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Belgium e-ID middleware .*" />
<!-- Certificat valide jusqu'au 03-11-2019 -->
<install cmd='certutil -addstore TrustedPublisher %SOFTWARE%\Beid\fedict_codesiging.cer' />
<install cmd='msiexec /qn /i "%SOFTWARE%\Beid\BeidMW_%plateform%_%version%.msi" /norestart'><exit code="1641" /><exit code="3010" /></install>
<upgrade include="install" />
<remove cmd='wmic product where "name like 'Belgium e-ID%%'" call uninstall' />