ESET Remote Administator Agent

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The ESET Remote Administrator Agent (ERA Agent) facilitates communication between client computers, other ESET Remote Administrator (ERA) components such as ERA Proxy Server, and the ERA Server. ERA Agent must be installed on all client computers where other ESET Remote Administrator components or ESET Endpoint products are installed.

To make it working, just exoirt the server & CA certificate and modify the IP Address on the package here below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


  <package id="Eset-RA" name="ESET Remote Administrator Agent" revision="%version%" reboot="false" priority="40">

        <variable name="version" value="" />
        <variable name="parameters" value='ALLUSERS=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppress P_CONNECTION_CHOSEN=Host P_HOSTNAME="" P_PORT="2222" P_CERT_PATH="%SOFTWARE%\Eset-RA\peer.pfx"  P_CERT_AUTH_PATH="%SOFTWARE%\Eset-RA\ca.der"' />
        <variable name="plateform" value="x86"  architecture="x86"/>
        <variable name="plateform" value="x64" architecture="x64"/>

        <check type="uninstall" condition="versiongreaterorequal" path="ESET Remote Administrator Agent" value="%version%"  />

        <install cmd='msiexec /qn /i  %SOFTWARE%\Eset-RA\Agent_%plateform%.msi  /l*v %temp%\ra-agent-install.log %parameters%' />

        <upgrade include="install" />

        <remove  cmd='wmic product where "name like &apos;ESET Remote Administrator%%&apos;" call uninstall' />

