GeoGebra 3.0

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From the website: "GeoGebra is a dynamic mathematics software for schools that joins geometry, algebra and calculus." It is available for other OS than MS-Win, too, and needs a JAVA RE to work. It is available here. On its website you will find a wiki and a user forum, with tips and tricks about installation and usage.

This is the package file for the stable release

    <package id="geogebra" name="GeoGebra" revision="3000" reboot="false" priority="1" >

        <depends package-id="java_re" />

        <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="GeoGebra" />
        <check type="file" condition="sizeequals" path="%PROGRAMFILES%\geogebra\geogebra.exe" value="115712" />

        <install cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\math\GeoGebra\GeoGebra_3_0_0_0.exe" -f "%SOFTWARE%\math\GeoGebra\"' />

        <upgrade cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\math\GeoGebra\GeoGebra_3_0_0_0.exe" -f "%SOFTWARE%\math\GeoGebra\"' />

        <remove cmd='"%PROGRAMFILES%\GeoGebra\UninstallData\Uninstaller.exe" /S' />


To get the file "", you have to perform a sample installation:

1. Change to the command line and call the installation file with the "-r" switch: "GeoGebra_3_0_0_0.exe -r".

2. After your installation by GUI is finished, you can use the generated properties file with the "-f" switch.

You can also alter the content of the properties file to your needs.

My looks like this (all comments below header lines added):

 # Mon Aug 04 23:28:34 CEST 2008
 # Replay feature output
 # ---------------------
 # This file was built by the Replay feature of InstallAnywhere.
 # It contains variables that were set by Panels or Consoles.
 # Install really silent
 # Choose Install Folder
 # German Helpfile Only
 # use commas, not dots!!!
 # Choose Desktop Icon
 # Quick Launch Bar
 # Do Not Run GeoGebra After Installation