Graphpad Prism 6

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Prim 6 has a new licensing system that requires each machine to phone home and activate. The license files are automatically created and stored in C:\ProgramData\GraphPad Software\Prism\6.0. The license file is unique to a given machine so can't be reused as we did with Prism 5.

Install Prims 6 using the silent command switch /S then copy into the Prism folder the StartupConfig.xml file. I've shown just one package, but we tend to have two packages, the first to install Prism and the second to install this StartupConfig file as we need to be able to update the license independent of the application, when the annual renewal comes around.

For further inspiration see the Prism IT person installer guide:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<package id="prism6"
      name="Graphpad Prism 6"

    <variable name="VERSION" value="6.02"/>
    <variable name="ARCH" value=""       architecture="x86"/>
    <variable name="ARCH" value=" (x86)" architecture="x64"/>

      <check type="uninstall" condition="versiongreaterorequal" path="GraphPad Prism 6" value="%VERSION%" />   
      <install cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\prism\InstallPrism602.exe" /S' />

      <install cmd='cmd /c copy /y "%SOFTWARE%\prism\StartupConfig.xml" "%PROGRAMFILES%%ARCH%\GraphPad\Prism 6" ' >  
	      <exit code='any' />  
      <upgrade include="install">

      <remove cmd='cmd /c del /f "%PROGRAMFILES%%ARCH%\GraphPad\Prism 6\StartupConfig.xml" ' />
      <remove cmd='"%PROGRAMFILES%%ARCH%\GraphPad\Prism 5\Uninst_Prism 6.exe" /S' />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF8"?>