Logger pro

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Vernier Logger Pro

This is an Educational Science Programme to connect with Vernier devices and manage the associated datas. Current version is 3.8

Vernier Software Website

! This programm is not Open source !

In order to have the files needed to deploy this application, get in contact with the support team and they will provide you a zip file with a "deployable install". They will send you as well in another email the password required for this package deployement. Replace XXXXXXX with the password given.

		name="Vernier Logger Pro" 
		<depends package-id="quicktime" />
		<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Logger Pro 3.8"/>
		<install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\Loggerpro\LoggerProInstaller.exe /S /L1033 /Z"SILENT,ENGLISH,XXXXXXXXX"'/>
		<remove cmd='%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\msiexec.exe /i {EA5E3DA540D5CDA4D945245E3A87DF13} /Z"SILENT"'/>
		<upgrade cmd='%SOFTWARE%\Loggerpro\LoggerProInstaller.exe /S /L1033 /Z"SILENT,ENGLISH,XXXXXXXXX"'/>

PS: Remove cmd still has to be tested