Microsoft Server 2003 Resource Kit

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This is two-step process; thanks to REM State for the details.

First, download the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit from Microsoft; this is an .exe file. Next, run:

rktools.exe /T:C:\Temp\rktools /C

to extract the cab file to C:\Temp\rktools. Copy that to the repository and use this XML for the package file:

<package id='rktools2003' name='Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit' revision='1' priority='50' reboot='false' >                                  
  <!-- 7-Zip file packer -->                                                                                                                   
  <check type='uninstall' condition='exists' path='Windows Resource Kit Tools' />                                             
  <install cmd='msiexec /qn /i "%SOFTWARE%\rktools\rktools.msi" RKTOOLS="C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kit\Tools"' />                      
  <remove cmd='msiexec /x "%SOFTWARE%\rktools\rktools.msi" /qn' />                                                                             
  <upgrade cmd='msiexec /i "%SOFTWARE%\rktools\rktools.msi" /qn' />                                                                            