QSR NVivo 7

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This is a silent installer for QSR NVivo 7.

I won't claim this is all my own work. I built this with help from the appdeploy.com article for NVivo 7 and here http://se-control.co.uk/ADNvivo7SP4.aspx. I think my version is NVivo 7.04.

Read both pages listed above then do an install of the NVivo demo download. Look for the extracted installers in your temp folder (listed in one of the articles above). Export the registry keys recommended in the above articles and put them in .reg files named as I have suggested below..


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="InstallShield InstallDriver"


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



"Install Path"="C:\\Program Files\\QSR\\NVivo 7\\"
"Start Menu"="QSR\\NVivo 7"


Next create a couple of batch files, these copy files to the 'Program Files\QSR\NVivo 7' folder so that you can extract user config files and make icons without the need of WPKG. Also get shortcut.exe from here http://www.optimumx.com/download/


copy /y "\\myserver.com\wpkg\files\nvivo\nvivo.cab" "%PROGRAMFILES%\QSR\NVivo 7"
copy /y "\\myserver.com\wpkg\files\nvivo\runme.bat" "%PROGRAMFILES%\QSR\NVivo 7"
copy /y "\\myserver.com\wpkg\files\shortcut.exe" "%PROGRAMFILES%\QSR\NVivo 7"
"%PROGRAMFILES%\QSR\NVivo 7\shortcut.exe" "/f:%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Desktop\NVIVO RUN ME.lnk" "/a:c" "/t:%PROGRAMFILES%\QSR\NVivo 7\runme.bat" "/i:%PROGRAMFILES%\QSR\NVivo 7\nvivo.exe"

The above batch file creates a configuration desktop icon for the local user. The batch file below then expands the config files to the users 'local settings' folder and creates a proper NVivo icon for them to run.

I made my own CAB file of the files in the 'local settings' folder from a test installation and repackaged them using CLTools.msi


expand "%PROGRAMFILES%\qsr\nvivo 7\nvivo.cab" -f:* "%USERPROFILE%\local settings\application data"
"%PROGRAMFILES%\qsr\nvivo 7\shortcut.exe" /f:"%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Nvivo.lnk" /a:c /t:"%PROGRAMFILES%\QSR\NVivo 7\Nvivo.exe"

You still get a 'license' box the first time you run, tell the users to click 'later' and then it does not run next time.

This is the package.xml entry

<package id="nvivo"
	name="QSR Nvivo  7"
	<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="QSR NVivo 7.0" />
	<install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\nvivo\dotnetfx.exe /q /c:"install.exe /v/qb-" ' >
	<exit code="1603" />
	<exit code="3010" />
	<install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\nvivo\sqlexpr.exe /qb ADDLOCAL=ALL SQLAUTOSTART=1 INSTANCENAME="QSRNVivo" SQLCOLLATION="Latin1_General_BIN" requiresmsiengine="1" ' />
	<install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\nvivo\SQLEXPR.exe /qb- INSTANCENAME="QSRNVivo" UPGRADE=SQL_Engine ' />
	<install cmd='msiexec /i %SOFTWARE%\nvivo\CRRedist2005_x86.msi /qb ' />
	<install cmd='msiexec /i %SOFTWARE%\nvivo\ISScript1150.Msi /qb ' />
	<install cmd='cmd /c REGEDIT -S %SOFTWARE%\nvivo\DCOM_FIX.reg ' />
	<install cmd='msiexec /i "%SOFTWARE%\nvivo\QSR NVivo 7.0.msi" QSR_DESKTOP_APPLICATION=0 PIDKEY="NVIVOCODEWITHOUTHYPHENS" /qn ' />
	<install cmd='cmd /c REGEDIT -S %SOFTWARE%\nvivo\qsr.reg ' />
	<install cmd='cmd /c "%SOFTWARE%\nvivo\copyfiles.bat" ' />
	<remove cmd='MsiExec.exe /X{4F260CA1-6FEB-4868-BC3D-CA5BBC9A4630} /qn- ' />
	<remove cmd='MsiExec.exe /X{7C05EEDD-E565-4E2B-ADE4-0C784C17311C} /qn- ' />
	<remove cmd='MsiExec.exe /X{2750B389-A2D2-4953-99CA-27C1F2A8E6FD} /qn- ' />