Script for checking if a process is already running
From WPKG | Open Source Software Deployment and Distribution
Sometimes, you don't want to make an upgrade or installation if a user has already started a given process, because:
- upgrade could fail, as the files are in use,
- if the installer is "smart", it could kill the running process, without asking the user to save (precious) work,
- some software (like certain browser plugins) won't install if some other software is running (i.e., a browser).
A workaround is to check if a given process is not running already. Windows XP has a "tasklist" command which can enumerate processes, but unfortunately, Windows 2000 don't.
Therefore, this script written in JScript. You can add one or more process names; it will exit with code 1 if any of these processes is running.
Example entry for packages.xml - WPKG will start upgrade of Firefox only if there is no firefox.exe process:
<upgrade cmd='cscript "%SOFTWARE%\wpkg\tools\matchprocess.js" firefox.exe' />
<upgrade cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\Internet\firefox\Firefox Setup 3.0.exe" -ms' />
The script:
// This script checks if one or more processes with a given name exist.
// If the process exists, the script exits with code 1.
// It can be used to prevent installation if a process is running and
// therefore, locks files and it's not possible or safe to upgrade it.
// Example usage:
// cscript matchprocess.js firefox.exe seamonkey.exe
if(WScript.Arguments.count()>0) {
var haveMatch;
for (i=0; i<WScript.Arguments.length; i++) {
var curarg = WScript.Arguments(i).toLowerCase();
var e = new Enumerator (GetObject("winmgmts:").InstancesOf("Win32_process"));
for (; !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) {
var p = e.item ();
curproc = p.Name.toLowerCase();
if (curproc == curarg) {
WScript.Echo (p.Name + " exists");
var haveMatch = true;
if (haveMatch == true) {
WScript.Echo("Matches found");
} else {
WScript.Echo("No match found");
} else {
WScript.Echo ("You have to specify at least one process!");